Saturday, March 2, 2013

Recipe Test: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Balsamic - Sage Brown Butter Sauce


Click here for recipe


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Russet potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Egg
  • Honey
  • White whole wheat flour
  • Fresh sage leaves
  • Shallots
  • Balsamic vinegar

Homemade gnocchi sounded hard but I was surprised that it was actually pretty easy.  I do think I made a mistake in mixing the dough while the potatoes were still warm as I needed much more flour than the recipe called for to make the dough workable.  I suspect that had I waited for it to cool to room temperature it wouldn't have been so sticky and so the end results would have had more of that sweet potato flavor. 

It reminded me of making the homemade spinach pasta in cutting it and then boiling it. 

The first few I did use a fork to try to make them pretty but after a bit I decided it wasn't worth it.  As the recipe suggested I boiled them in batches for about five minutes each and then laid them out on a cookie sheet. 

Things were a bit messy ... that's not dandruff on his head but a flour.   This is my most food motivated pup and he is constantly at my feet when I'm cooking.  He makes a great vacuum cleaner!  

He even has a doggie double (okay maybe triple) chin to prove his dedication to this job!

I don't think I've ever had sage ... unless it was in a meal I had at a restaurant and I didn't know it.  Obviously I've heard of sage but this was the first time I've cooked with it.  I was a little confused by the directions to take the very pretty velvety leaves and literally fry them in butter!  But they came out all crisp and ooooooh did they smell good!

The recipe made a HUGE amount ... 

The end result was very rich and flavorful.  My favorite part was honestly the sage leaves crumbled on top!  I just had a small bowl and I couldn't even finish it because it was so rich and filling.   This in no way can be called a 'light' meal!

Hubby was not impressed.  I think because when he heard I was making gnocchi he was thinking pasta and therefore more of a red sauce or alfredo flavor.  If you don't like balsamic vinegar you will NOT like this meal.  I did like it but not enough for it to become a regular dish we eat.  However the gnocchi was easy enough I will definitely consider making other dishes with it in the future.  And my love affair with sage is just beginning! 

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