Books & Other Resources

I'm just beginning so this list will only grow as I do!  These are the books I've read and resources I've found along the way about 'Real Food' living and cooking.  


This is the first blog I found that I just kept going back to!  There is so much information here it makes me feel good to know that I can keep going back ... and back... and back ... and back!  I've found some others but haven't fully explored them yet since this one just keeps giving.  Check it out - you won't regret it!

Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Site

Featured on Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, some good information on this site and I find his revised food pyramid interesting.  Again this is someone with a business so I take it with a grain of salt ... I've been suckered by too many diet fads.  He advocates fat free / low fat dairy and has cheese listed at the very top of the pyramid with beef and processed foods.  I do think this is much closer to how we should be eating than what the government's suggestions are!


    by Mike Dow and Antonia Blyth
 I'd been so fed up with diet after diet after diet that I promised myself that I'd do some real research before I tried anything else.  Obviously in trying to find where to start the title of this book reached out and GRABBED me!  It woke me up to how much power food can have over not just our physical health but our mental health.  Lots of fresh / real foods ... hence what got me on this tract as I continued my research to find something for me! 

by Michael Pollan

This book came up over and over again as I searched the web for more information.  Once I saw it again on the 100 Days of Real Food blog I finally bought it and dove in!  Eye opening to say the least!

by Michael Pollan

After my first taste of Michael Pollan I knew I had to have this one.  A great resource as you try to figure out what you want as your own 'rules' or guide.  

by Michele Jacobson 

I found this one when specifically looking to learn more about all the 'traditional' diets that Michael Pollan talks about in his books.  Sadly I couldn't tell you what a "traditionally french" (or others) meal was so went to find out!  Pretty good.  

The Omnivore's Dilemma
by Michael Pollan

WOW!  This book is so eye-opening.  As a "corn fed" girl raised in Iowa who now lives in Nebraska it changed my whole perspective on corn & soybeans.  I worked those fields - I detasseled corn every summer.  My childhood friends were farmer's kids.  I was not aware ... how can you be so unaware when it is literally right outside your window?   Makes you think ... well worth reading!

Practical Paleo 
by Diane Sanfilippo

In browsing recipes on Pinterest I kept seeing "paleo" on ones that followed the type of eating I've been doing.  A couple of people that I've told about my diet also said "Oh - that's the Paleo diet."  So I decided to check it out myself.   Though there are some similarities what I'm doing is not Paleo.   Paleo seems to really focus on giving up most grains and also dairy.  They limit fruit and also eat what seems to be A LOT of meat.  Though there is some interesting information in here it just reinforced that I don't want to be on a "diet" ... to me completely cutting out entire food groups screams fad diet.  I'll still look for the word Paleo on recipes because there is a whole / real food aspect to it so they are often worth looking at.


Hungry For Change

New Video Group 2012 89 minutes

I found this on Netflix.  Many of the same messages of the books I've been reading.  The food industry compared to the tobacco industry idea was interesting ... I'd never though of it that way.  Blind trust that if it says it is "good for you" on the box it is ... boy do I feel gullible!  I suppose back in the day people thought cigarettes were good for them too.   If you've ever had weight issues this one is a good one to watch!

Food Fight

Producer / Director:  Christopher Taylor

A very clear, understandable look at how we got here & why.  Growing up in the middle of this without an awareness.  The ties between the food industry, the military, the oil industry ... wow.  I was raised in Iowa with a respect for farmers, cheering John Deere Tractors when I saw them (my dad worked there) and thinking "corn fed beef" meant better.   That heart of respect for farmers is never going to change ... but this is the kind of farmer I think of - not some huge massive company.  Sorry HyVee, you won't be getting as many of my food dollars.  Whole Foods - you are going to lose them as soon as spring hits because I'll have figured out what's local and the farmers markets will have started!

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

by:  Joe Cross

I read the book first.  I'll admit the video is better because his journey is so visual it makes more sense that way.  It is extreme ... and very well could be seen as just another 'fad' and definitely used that way.  Hubby & I have bought a juicer and love it ...and I'll admit I'm curious so will try a weeks worth of fasting / feasting.  Of course he's turned this into a business - he's an entrepreneur - how could his mind not work that way?  I'm personally not about to pay for his 'guided' reboot.  Sure as hell won't hurt to get those fruits & veggies!  Gotta admit I LOVE the Iowa trucker in it!  And I do think it is funny that I bought the same model juicer without knowing it had been featured on a documentary like this.  You'd think their marketers would put "As featured on ..." everywhere it is seen.


Writer / Director / Educator - Marisa Miller Wolfson

Shit.  I will have to think more about this.  My biggest impressions after just watching this ... many vegetarian and vegan options are super processed.  So that isn't healthy or good for anything either.  So much soy & corn I've learned can mean GMO trouble and all kinds of extras you aren't expecting in something that looks 'healthy'.   What is getting me is the treatment of animals.  This video didn't show much but it was enough to bother me.  Shit.  Ignorance once again is bliss & I'm no longer ignorant.  I thought I was okay with eating very little meat but the dairy cows ... I had no clue that they were impregnated over and over again like that.  My beloved cheese ... SHIT!

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