Saturday, January 12, 2013

Night saved by pizza!

So I decided that since my night was shot I was going to throw out my meal plan.  Okay, not throw it OUT but at least move comfort food to tonight instead of tomorrow.

RECIPE TEST:  Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza 

Credit:  100 Days of Real Food blog

Click here for full recipe


  • Water
  • Active dry yeast
  • Kosher salt
  • Olive Oil
  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Toppings as desired

I'm not sure if perhaps I didn't follow the directions correctly but it was tough to get it rolled out.  I think I may have left it a bit too thick - especially in the middle.  Either that or cooked it a bit longer.   I used a pizza sauce I found by doing some research.  I didn't want to make my own but wanted something that was organic with minimal ingredients.  Muir Glen was a good option and I found it easily at Whole Foods. 

I had leftover amazing real mozzarella from last week ... I clearly grabbed too big of a container but I have no regrets!  

It's amazing to me that something that can look like hard boiled eggs in nastiness can be soooooooo good!  I sliced up a fresh tomato.  Into the oven you go! 

I chopped up the rest of my fresh basil of course!  I love the smell of basil as you chop it. (a treat for my super powered nose - thank GOD!) 

As the timer went off I realized that with the cheese and the tomatoes that was a lot of moisture on top of the pizza.  So I flipped from bake to burner and waited until the cheese bubbled up a bit with a little gold color.  Isn't it beautiful?

Add a side salad and there's my dinner!  Homemade ranch dressing of course.  The crust is super dense and filling.  I do think it needs to be either in the oven longer or rolled out thinner - especially in the middle.  Either that or my choice of very moist toppings made it a bit doughy in the middle.  Still it was GOOD!  The rest is in the fridge as leftovers.  I have no doubt the hubby will partake when he gets home from watching football at the pub up the street.  Yes ... he took his nasty gassy tuchus out in public!  Though I feel sorry for the other patrons I must admit I'm thrilled to air out the basement.  Windows cracked, scented candles burning and every blanket / throw getting washed.   Smell be gone!   I do want my husband to eat healthy so onto my shopping list will go .. the ... 

UPDATE:  Crust is better if you use a hair more liquids & when letting it 'rise' in the fridge cover with a moist (wet & wrung out!) kitchen towel.   It turns out soft - not crispy, but still very good.  I found if I rolled it out I could make two smaller pizzas - one for me and one for hubby.   Tried just plain mozzarella (not fresh balls b/c too much moisture in them!) and then spinach and goat cheese. 

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