Saturday, January 19, 2013

Recipe Test: Quiche

I love quiche, so when I saw that my 'go to' blog on whole / real food eating had a recipe that claimed to be easy I knew I had to try it!  They were right - it was easy - and yummy ... yummy enough it is on the meal plan for this coming week again just with different add ins.

Credit:  100 Days Real Food Blog

Click Here to see full recipe.



  • whole wheat flour
  • butter
  • salt
  • whole milk

  • milk
  • eggs
  • whatever add ins you want! 

I was shocked at how easy the crust was.  I'm not sure why but I just expected any crust to be out of my 'beginners' league tough.  It was simple and honestly I'm curious about using it for other things.  It is so basic I could easily use it for a pie crust ... yes my sweet tooth is still having some trouble but it's easing.  

I decided to add spinach, bacon and cheese. Here it is before cooking above and after cooking below. 

Just sliced up an apple as a side dish and dinner is served!  You'll notice there are actually two plates below ...

Yep - the hubby is full on board now!  The leftover pizza from my last entry was gone by morning and now the question "what are you making for dinner tonight?" has become a daily occurrence.  At first he acted like he would only have some if I tried it first and said it was good ... or if the recipe looked simple enough that I "couldn't f* it up because a monkey could cook this" (thanks honey I love you too...) but when I was making my meal plan for this week and asked which meals he'd want in on there were only 2 he didn't!   Now he's joking that I just need to work on making sure dinner is ready for him when he gets home from work.  (No granola for him this week!)

I swear it was better on day 2 as leftovers!

UPDATE:  Tried again with just plain addition of mozzarella cheese.  I stumbled across this great old glass pie pan in one of our "will never use it but keep it just in case" shelves.   Strange how excited one can get about a pie pan!   A little bland but still good & look how pretty!   Next time I'm going to do mushrooms!

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.