Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oh no he didn't!

My husband came home today from a business trip and was clearly just pooped.  I let him know I was cooking Vegetable Fajitas again for dinner (yep - liked 'em so much last week I had to do it this week too!) and I had enough to share.  "No thanks ... I'll pass."  I know - so tired he didn't even do his 'your cooking will kill someone' wise cracks!  Poor baby.

I finished and came downstairs with a plate of 3 small ones and as he glanced over I said "are you sure you don't want to try one?" ... he was clearly hungry but not in the mood to cook for himself because he DID!  I waited on pins and needles thinking some critique would be coming - probably again that the home made tortillas were too thick and doughy.  "Are these the tortillas you made yourself?"  Oh crap here it comes ... he looks at me, pauses ... then says...

"I know I said I didn't want you to ... but would you still be willing to make me some of these?"

WHAT?!  Did he just ...  HOLY $#*%!  I of course kept my cool and did the whole "Oh come on!  I already put it all away!" excuse just to check and see if he was going to come back with some jab about how he was just kidding and they were awful.  But no joke followed!  Is he really too tired to use sarcasm?!  Wow.  So as soon as I finished I went upstairs and made him some of his own and brought them down.  Once he was done he turned to me and said ...

"Thank you.  So ... you can make me those once a week like the Granola."

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.