Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Recipe Test: Brownies

Credit:  100 Days of Real Food Blog

Like many women I'm a bit of a slave to chocolate.  To me there is nothing better than a milk chocolate Lindor truffle.  Specifically about once a month I cannot resist them!  Of course the guilt soon follows ... oh and then the rationalization that says since I already screwed up my diet with this I may as well have ... pizza ... chips & dip ... burger & fries ... etc. etc.

One part of my planning that I didn't take into account is this week is um ... that week!  I turn into a chocolate craving crazy woman.  So when I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it!


  • whole-wheat flour 
  • unsweetened cocoa 
  • baking powder
  • coconut oil
  • honey or maple syrup (I tried honey)
  • pure vanilla extract
  • egg
  • chopped nuts (optional - I opted out) 

Click here for original recipe & instructions.

A couple of notes.  I don't know why but I immediately put my coconut oil in the fridge when I got it home ... it was a PAIN to get out of the little peanut butter jar shaped container I'd bought it in.  Once I finally got out a 1/2 cup all went well.  It smells like coconut which I'm not sure why but that surprised me - and you can taste it in the brownies. I wonder if butter or another oil (peanut?) would also work.   And for the last step mine didn't exactly pour ... it was too sticky.  I put the batter in the dish and then used a piece of cling wrap to pat it down into an even layer across before baking.  Worked just fine. 

They smell and look great!  Unfortunately they weren't as great as I'd hoped.  They are very dry and crumbly.  You need a bib or to eat right over the plate or the crumbs get everywhere immediately!   Not bad but not sweet to my over-sugared pallet ... I'm sure that will change as I adjust to this new way of eating.  They ARE chocolate though so I'm just dunking them in my yummy whole milk and telling my cravings to bugger off! 

I do miss sweet something fierce ... I am the girl who uses about 1/4 cup of flavored liquid coffee mate in her coffee ... who is addicted to Splenda like it is crack (I haven't left the house without extra packets in my purse in years should any restaurant DARE not to have it!) ... and who prefers white or milk chocolate to dark.  Dark sucks b/c it is NOT sweet in my opinion.  So maybe I'm not so much of a chocolate girl as I am a sugar, high fructose corn syrup, scary fake sugar girl?  YIKES!  The honey & maple syrup are helping but I find that I'd have to use a ridiculous amount to make my coffee / tea actually taste the way I want it to.  I'm holding off b/c I know my taste buds will adjust.  I'm enjoying everything else I figure this is a small price to pay compared to every other diet plan I've tried ... I've done MONTHS of severe deprivation.  I can hack a couple of weeks while my taste buds are pissy.

UPDATE:  Tried again with maple syrup & just a little less on the baking time - MUCH better!   And oooooooh a brownie with a small glass of whole milk?  Clouds parting ... angels singing!

Added nuts this time too ... only problem?  GONE IN 3 DAYS thanks to that hubby of mine!  

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