Saturday, January 26, 2013

Recipe Test: Baked Tortilla Chips


Click here to see original recipe


  • Tortilla chips (I used homemade whole wheat ones!)
  • Lime
  • Oil (the recipe says vegetable but I tried peanut - I thought olive might influence the taste & didn't really have any other 'plain' oils)
  • Chili powder, Cumin, Salt or other spice to your taste

Okay first of all this picture makes me realize how OLD and gross our cookie sheets look..  Well ... they work.  I'll wait until I'm at this a while to buy new 'toys' for the kitchen or hubby will freak!  And there are a lot of other things I'd probably buy before a new cookie sheet so gross looking is what it is... 

More importantly - I can't believe how easy these were.  I used the lime, oil and then just a dash of salt.  Next time I think I'll use a bit more seasoning but they are really good.  I could definitely make a meal out of some of these and a salad / salsa of some sort!  Will have to find a recipe to go with!  

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.