Saturday, March 9, 2013

Recipe Test: Polenta & Vegetables with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce


Click here for recipe


  • Polenta
  • Parmesan
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Garlic
  • Fresh thyme
  • Lemon 
  • Olive oil
  • Asparagus
  • Scallions
  • Eggplant
  • Yellow squash
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Roasted Red Peppers
  • Vegetable or Chicken broth
  • Fresh chives
  • Balsamic vinegar
Picture Credit:

Isn't it pretty?  See why when I saw it on Pinterest I couldn't resist.  I already had polenta & leftover roasted red peppers so a great way to use them and definitely a mostly veggies meal!  

I always confuse scallions with green onions so made a mistake there and ended up just leaving them out.  Also left out the tomatoes because I accidentally finished them off earlier in the week in a salad.  But I had everything else plus added a couple of carrots for fun!

Okay so mine isn't quite as pretty as the original picture ... the roasted red pepper sauce looked a little more like dog puke than I'd have hoped.  (What?!  It DOES!)  Hubby was a thumbs up but I have to admit this one was a no good in my book.  For the second time this week I felt like there was just too much going on in terms of flavors with the vegetables.  The veggies themselves taste good to me so why all the lemon and garlic and sauce?   I guess I'm a 'simple' girl.  Or maybe it is that my taste buds have changed and people need to throw all that on there to even get their veggies in?  The one veggie I could taste was the eggplant and GROSS!  I've had eggplant before but always either breaded or in a casserole type-dish.  Alone I've got to admit I didn't like the taste of it.  The carrots were yummy - I love how sweet they get when you cook them.  And in my book you can't go wrong with asparagus or yellow squash.

So ... good premise but won't be a regular in this house ... "but your hubby liked it" you say?  So?!  I'm the one doing the F*ing cooking my dear.  He has no say what-so-ever!  ;)

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