Sunday, March 31, 2013

Recipe Test: Cream Cheese Pancakes


Click here for recipe


  • Cream cheese
  • Eggs
  • Stevia (I left out)
  • Cinnamon

Seriously that is IT!  The pinner said they taste like cheesecake ... I disagree with that but they are some pretty yummy little pancakes.  I doubled the recipe and it didn't make much.  Hubby LOVED them but then I think it may have just been that he loved me not only making him dinner but also making him breakfast.   (Oy!) 

I forgot to take my own picture but here is the one from the recipe: 

Recipe Test: Spinach Crepes with Ricotta, Tomatoes & Basil


Click here for recipe


  • Spinach
  • Salt
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Basil
  • Flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour)
  • Olive oil
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Ricotta
  • Parmesan cheese

This dinner took some time because you have to make the crepes first ... then stuff them ... then heat them again.  I went a little too heavy on the butter .  Next time I may try more spinach in the batter, more tomatoes inside and less butter in the pan!  They were damn good though.  Hubby thought they were bland but that was easily taken care of with a little salt & pepper. 

Recipe Test: Mediterranean Chickpea Salad


Click here for recipe


  • Chickpeas
  • Parsley
  • Red bell pepper
  • Tomatoes
  • Olives
  • Feta Cheese
  • Red onion
  • Lemon
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Yogurt
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Stevia (I left out)
  • English cucumber

Hubby was out of town on business so this was my bachelorette dinner night.  An easy salad.  Once again my picture sucks compared to the one on the original site:

 But alas I'm no photographer.  I mean seriously ... how do all these blogs have what look like professional photographers on staff?   Nope - not me!  No photographer here ... just little old me.

 Dinner was eggplant dip (previous recipe- yummy!) with whole wheat pita and this salad.  Pretty good & Hubby scoffed down all the leftovers as soon as he got home so the extras didn't go to waste.

 Speaking of scoffing down leftovers ... My fat boy below raiding what his little (though bigger in terms of height) brother left in the food bowl.   Just like his momma this boy needs to get OUTSIDE and get some activity to slim down!!!

Recipe Test: Roasted Veggie Ratatouille


Click here for recipe


  • Bell pepper
  • Onion
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Thyme
  • Herbs de Provence
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Brown Rice

Chopping up veggies is the toughest part of this meal.  It would be very easy to make ahead or prep ahead and then throw together.  Simple & yummy.   I can't wait to try it with GRILLED veggies this summer!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Recipe Test: Sweet Potato Brownies


Click here for recipe


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Dark chocolate (I used 100%)
  • Honey
  • Eggs
  • Cocoa
  • Vanilla or Almond extract (I used almond)
  • Coconut flour
  • Coconut oil
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Nuts (I used slivered almonds)
Photo Credit:

They look good right?  I continue to make deserts each week on purpose.  I've got one hell of a sweet tooth and I know it is one thing that if I don't satisfy I'm more opt to seek out the sugar filled addictive processed crap!   And here I can say it contains a vegetable too so woo hoo!

Easy to prepare ... smelled great.  I took a little lick before it went in the oven and was worried that the batter didn't taste sweet.   I was sadly right to worry as they were decidedly NOT sweet.   I'm guessing because of just "dark chocolate" I used 100% cacao.  That leaves just the potatoes and the honey for sweet. So I decided to get creative!  I whipped up a twist on primal fudge using just coconut oil, honey and peanut butter and poured it on top ... in the fridge you go & when firm:

The bottom adds the chocolate flavor and the 'fudge frosting' adds the sweet.  Still not as good as plain old primal fudge but does the trick.  (and I can still tell myself I'm getting veggies!) 

Recipe Test: Green Reset Smoothie

Credit:  ??  Found on Pinterest - says "Photo by Joao M. Fernandes"

Recipe:  Two handfuls spinach, 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 cup yogurt, 5 strawberries & 1/2 orange.

Okay ... so my picture looks oh soooo edible!  (sense sarcasm?)   Well, since the only credit I can give on this one is the photographer I may as well also show you the picture.  It looks a heck of a lot better than mine!  

Photo Credit:

It was a good smoothie.  I am still not used to room temperature smoothies as before this journey of mine I've always used some kind of frozen fruit.  I may use a frozen banana next time but it was still refreshing.  A great way to get fruit & veggies!

Recipe Test: Lazy Sunday Casserole


Click here for recipe


  • Sausage
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Bell Pepper
  • Onion
  • Fennel 
  • Garlic
  • Oil (I used Olive)
  • Pepper
  • Italian herbs
  • Chicken broth
  • Balsamic vinegar

A cold day with more snow and this was the perfect dinner!  I've never had fennel before - it smells like licorice!  Not a strong flavor of it though - pretty interesting.  This was easy to make.  really the chopping of the veggies was the most work. That and just the in and out of the oven part.  Worth the effort though! 

Check out the swirls of steam I captured coming off it!  It smelled GREAT coming out of the oven.

The sausages turned out a bit dry but otherwise it was perfect!   I was worried the balsamic vinegar would overpower the flavor like some of the other veggie dishes I've made lately but it didn't.  The feeling this mean gave me was definitely one of 'comfort food'.  Hubby approved and requested it be on the 'rotation'.   We have a rotation?  News to me!   I approve too though so will make again.  

Recipe Test: White Bean Chowder


Click here for recipe


  • Olive oil
  • Bacon (recipe calls for turkey bacon - I used regular)
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Red Bell Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Thyme
  • Flour (I used whole wheat)
  • Vegetable stock
  • Tomato
  • Tomato paste
  • Bay leaf
  • Dried oregano
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cannellini beans
  • Cream
  • Parsley leaves

Hubby and I both love white beans so when I saw this recipe I immediately saved it.  Though it is officially spring we keep getting snow so the idea of a warm bowl of chowder .... yum!   I'm happy to say it was simple to make and includes a ton of vegetables!  If you look closely they kind of confetti the soup with color.  Great flavor.  Definitely "Hubby approved" ... oh and me too!  

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Recipe Test: Chicken with Basic Pan Sauce

Credit:  How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman

Sorry - no link as this is from a cook book.  If you are interested in it here is the link to purchase it.

I had a bit of an Uh Oh moment last night when I went to cook dinner & realized I'd forgotten to get one of the main ingredients at the store...  whoops!   There was little in the house since it was Saturday night and my grocery trips are usually Sunday morning so I had to improvise.  That may not sound like a big deal to you ... but as a new cook - um that's SCARY!

I had 2 chicken breasts in the freezer and found the recipe in my cook book.  Then I improvised on some veggie sides.

The recipe is super easy.  Just blot your chicken with a paper towel, then season with salt & pepper.  Dredge in flour before cooking.  You cook it in an olive oil & butter mixture browning each side until the chicken is almost done (still a little pink in the middle) and then finish it in the oven while you make the pan sauce.  

The recipe called for just a bit of parsley but I figured the more green the better so chopped up about twice as much.  

While the chicken was cooking away I got the sides started.  In one I put some olive oil, a chopped red onion, bell pepper and then just before the chicken was done I added broccoli - didn't want it mushy!  Just a little salt & pepper as seasoning. 

In the other baby spinach sauteed with some butter.  I LOVE just basic spinach with some butter and pine nuts for crunch! 

The pan sauce is easy too!  I didn't have the white wine it called for so used 3/4 cup of chicken broth & a Tbsp of white wine vinegar.  Otherwise you just let it reduce as you scrape the bottom of the pan. When there is about 1/4 cup of liquid left you add a tab of butter.  Add the parsley at the end & pour over the chicken ... Dinner is served! 

Recipe Test: Whole Wheat Yogurt Bread


Click here for recipe


  • Yogurt
  • Honey
  • Whole wheat flour
  • Yeast
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Water

Okay I am SO EXCITED about this recipe!  This bread is awesome and worth the effort!  Of course I haven't had much bread over the last 3 months so I'm probably overexcited but ... WOO HOO BREAD!  

The first time I tried it I used just plain 'whole wheat' flour.  It turned out wonderful!  So much less dense than the other bread I'd made... 

This week Hubby specifically requested MORE so I made two batches.  I decided to get creative and see how it would turn out if I used a different flour.  I had whole wheat pastry flour & white whole wheat flour in the house so one I made all pastry powder - the other a mix.  

I also used a wet rag instead of plastic wrap this time ... My mom made the most amazing bread and this is always what she did as she "let it rise" ... 

One of the loaves I decided to put some Herbs de Provence in just to see what it would be like ... if it works I could add ALL KINDS of stuff!!!  

First thing I noticed is they look nothing like last time ... much 'whiter' and didn't rise as much.  The smaller one is the same amount - just a smaller bread pan was used.  

If you look closely you can see the herbs ...

Hubby said he thinks this batch tastes more "corn bready" ... and definitely more like white bread than wheat.  Me?  I like the plain whole wheat flour better ... it ends up a bigger slice so you can put it in the toaster.  Even so - this one tastes good.  I mean seriously - IT'S BREAD DAMNIT!  YUM! 

Recipe Test: Stuffed Shells with Eggplant, Ricotta & Kale


Click here for recipe:


  • Whole wheat shells 
  • Eggplant
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Egg
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Basil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Marinara
  • Mozzarella
  • Ricotta

I love "stuffed" pasta like manicotti so when I saw this recipe I had to try.  And LOOK at all the green that goes into it!  That is my huge cast iron pan because no way would it all fit in my regular ones!

Sadly I could only find one type of shells big enough at Whole Foods and they were not whole wheat.  I gave in and got them.  I'd have preferred whole wheat but we've had such little 'white' anything I don't feel bad. 

Ricotta, cheese, basil ... mixing the 'innards'  ...

End result ... gooey cheese on top and MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

Recipe Test: Stuffed Portobellas (Breakfast for Dinner)


Click here for recipe


  • Egg
  • Portobella mushrooms
  • Olive oil
  • Dill
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
If you wish:  Add avocado & cheese!  

I had this meal twice this week because Hubby was feeling lousy and didn't eat.  The first time I did it as the recipe said in the oven ... something is clearly wrong with the 300 degrees for 12 minutes because it took more like 30!   Good though.  

The 2nd time I roasted only the mushroom in some olive oil and then just put avocado and a sunny side up egg on top of it.   Much easier and just as tasty!  

Note the bread is also home-made!  I'm so excited about that bread I've had to stop myself from eating too much of it.  Works perfectly in the toaster.  WILL be making it again!   I'll put the recipe up shortly! 

Recipe Test: Cauliflower Crust Pizza


Click here for recipe


  • Cauliflower
  • Egg
  • Mozzarella
  • Italian seasoning
  • Salt
  • Pepper
Toppings added (not in recipe): 
  • Italian sausage
  • Mushrooms
  • Kale Chips 

First you have to make "Cauli-rice" (there is a link to instructions on the recipe)

 Can you believe that other than Cauliflower this is ALL that is in the crust?!  Just some eggs, spices and cheese.

Cauli-Rice is just finely chopped up cauliflower.   Then you have to put it in a kitchen towel and get out as much moisture as possible. 

I chose some nice sweet italian sausage from whole foods and mushrooms as toppings.

Below is the 'crust' all set out on the pan ...

Funny looking - isn't it?

Above:  Right before put in the oven ... looking more like pizza! 

When done added crispy kale chips on top for some greens!! 

YUM!  I think that I can get the crust crispier next time.  Though kale was a good idea and tasted good I'll probably use different toppings next time.  It tasted a little of cauliflower but honestly not much!  Worth trying if you are interested!!!