Friday, May 31, 2013

Recipe Test: Raw Vegan Tacos


Click here for recipe


  • Collard greens
  • Almonds
  • Cumin
  • Coriander
  • Chili powder
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Tomatoes
  • Raw olives (I left out this time)
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro

I know what you are thinking ... vegan tacos?!  I thought so too but figured what the hell - give it a try and see.   I'm glad I did because I LOVED these!  No - not just liked ... loved!  The taco sauce made with the nuts and spices is awesome.  Just two filled me up which isn't surprising when you think about it because we are talking about a small avocado, a roma tomato, two collard green leaves and ground nuts in olive oil.  

This WILL be a repeat recipe!  And the great thing - it takes no time to make.  Other than the food processor for the sauce, knife, cutting board and your dinner plate you use no pots, pans, dishes! Just roll them up like a burrito or hold like a soft taco and you are good to go!   I liked it so much I forced Hubby to try it ... he looked at it at first like that would be pure and utter torture but he did it AND liked them!  

Whodathunkit?  Raw ... Vegan ... and YUMMY! 

Recipe Test: Chia Fresca


Click here for recipe


  • Coconut water (or plain water)
  • Chia seeds
  • Lemon or lime juice
  • Sweetener (maple syrup)
Photo Credit:

Forgot to take my own picture so showing the one from the site with the recipe.  Her picture is much prettier than the drink was in real life.  The chia seeds look like little bugs in the water.   That being said I grabbed this around 10AM and slowly drank it through my work day.  Next thing I know I look up and it is almost quitting time and I'd never once thought about lunch!  That DOESN'T happen so I can only assume it was this keeping the hunger at bay.  Chia seeds contain fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids and more!  They get this kind of gelatinous coating when they sit in water so when you drink it they slide right down no problem.  I thought it would be thick and goopy but it wasn't.  

As the original blogger said 'you'll either love it or hate it' ... I didn't love it but definitely didn't hate it.  And if it keeps me full and is good for me then worth having again! 

Recipe Test: Sushi Bowl with Asparagus & Avocado


Click here for recipe


  • Brown rice (short grain)
  • Asparagus
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Agave nectar (I used honey)
  • Soy sauce
  • Rice vinegar
  • Avocado
  • Sesame seeds (I was out so substituted with chia seeds)
  • Nori

Sushi without the actual sushi?  Yep!  No raw fish here - though I do love me some sashimi it is not something I don't think I'll ever make it at home.  This actually did taste like sushi when you got all of the tastes in one bite.  The rice was a bit too orangy but that's easily something that could be toned down next time.  I'd never thought of putting nori in a salad like this but it was great!

Will make again!  Even Hubby liked it!

Recipe Test: Spinach Burgers


Click here for recipe


  • Spinach
  • Egg
  • Onion
  • Shredded cheese (I used Monterrey jack)
  • Bread crumbs (I used whole wheat)
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Salt
  • Garlic powder

Quick and easy to mix together.  Just form into patties and cook on a skillet the same way you would a pancake.

I used my olive oil sprayer so that it wouldn't be too much oil.  Worked very well.  

They aren't what one would call pretty ... but they are yummy.  And this one is definitely HUBBY APPROVED!  He scarfed them all down so no leftovers at all.  

Recipe Test: Cinnamon Quinoa Bake


Click here for recipe


  • Quinoa
  • Eggs
  • Soy Milk (I used whole milk)
  • Maple syrup
  • Vanilla extract
  • Cinnamon

I was getting a little sick of scrambled eggs for breakfast so decided that I'd find something else.  This was what I chose.  It has worked well.  Texture is a little off for a 'cake' but put it in the microwave a little bit and then add a little bit of maple syrup on top and a good breakfast.  Even Hubby liked it! 

Recipe Test: Baked Zucchini Cakes


Click here for recipe


  • Zucchini
  • Salt
  • Panko bread crumbs
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Egg
  • Green onions
  • Red bell pepper
  • Dijon mustard
  • Mayonnaise
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Paprika
  • Garlic powder
  • Black pepper
  • Onion powder
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Oregano
  • Thyme

Easy to make and tasty.  I made them to have for lunches this week.  Not bad cold straight out of the fridge. Good grab and go item.  

Good Thing it Ain't June

So after my productive day of yard work and gardening Memorial Day weekend I woke up the next day with my lower back in agony.  I threw it out a few years back and I must have pulled it again because there was no way I was doing anything else physical.  Just moving around was bad enough that I caved in and instead of cooking dinner let Hubby pick up take out.   He wanted to do Subway which just sounded disgusting to me ... salty processed meat, white bread, who knows what it is cheese slices ... nope!  I figured it ain't June yet, if I'm going to do take out then I want something I actually crave.  Yep ... I ate a big ole cheeseburger and french fries!

Was it worth it?  Well ... the fries yes ... the burger NO!  It wasn't bad but it was ... well, disappointing.  I guess I've been romancing my old go to foods & reality sure as hell wasn't as good as the memory!  It didn't make me sick  - I was worried it would give me a 'food hangover' but it didn't.  And though my back was killing me all weekend I was right back on the wagon the next morning.  There was no way I was spending long periods of time cooking but no more 'naughty' foods.  And next time I'm thinking about it I'll probably pass!  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Recipe Test: Inner Goddess Detox Salad

Credit:  (LOVE HER!)

Click here for full recipe


  • Kale
  • Baby Spinach
  • Cabbage or Coleslaw Mix
  • Almonds
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cucumber
  • Raspberries
  • Olive oil based salad dressing 

Lots & lots of kale & spinach ... soooo good for me! 

Lot's of good stuff in this .... closer view so you can see!

Iowagirleats also had a quick suggestion for a homemade dressing so I tried that too.  Just 3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar and a Tbsp of your choice of all fruit jam - shake shake shake and go!  

Damn good salad!  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Recipe Test: Spinach with Parmesan-Bread Crumbs


Click here for recipe


  • Olive oil
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Garlic
  • Baby Spinach
  • Salt

 This is clearly supposed to be a side item but I decided to make it my dinner tonight.   I mean you'd have a salad with some cheese and croutons and dressing for dinner right?  Well ... basically that's what this is - a huge spinach salad!

I didn't have course bread crumbs so I just used regular whole wheat ones.  I immediately thought "woah this is too many" and I was right.  I could have done with about half of what the recipe called for.

It always amazes me how fresh spinach shrinks down when cooked.  I got A LOT of spinach in this dinner tonight!  


It was good but if I had to make it again I'd go heavier on the garlic and lighter on the breadcrumbs.  Just personal taste.  Worth trying!  Easy & quick!

Recipe Test: Pineapple Kale Coconut Smoothie


Click here for recipe


  • Pineapple
  • Bananas
  • Coconut Milk
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Kale

This was one of those 'it will be really good or it will be awful' recipes.  The ingredients sounded pretty good but the Kale thing just threw me.  I've had Kale in juice and smoothies now but for some reason I just didn't think this would work.  I WAS SOOOOOOO WRONG!  

I had this for lunch today and it literally made me feel like I should be on a tropical beach somewhere sipping this!  Soooo good!  The coconut milk I used was full fat as I'd learned that the coconut milk that you can get in the dairy section has all kinds of other crap in it.  Where as if you look at the ingredients in the canned version it is truly just from the coconut.  It's a lot of fat but similar to peanut butter in a smoothie that is great at keeping you full.  I have to remind myself now and again that fat isn't bad.  And coconut milk is actually good for you!  Check it out:

I will definitely be making this again!  I may add a bit more kale as the taste of the coconut and fruit will surely support it!  

Monday, May 20, 2013

Recipe Test: Earth Green Juice


Click here for recipe


  • Apples
  • Lemon
  • Ginger
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Kale stems

I wanted a green juice recipe to drink most of the days of this week.  This got me because it literally says "leftover kale stems" and I knew I'd have quite a bit of those from my smoothies!  This is the first time I've juiced broccoli ... you wouldn't think you could juice broccoli but it works.  Other than the sweet potato I'd have to say broccoli is the most surprising in terms of my juicing journey.  

It's good - not my favorite but definitely worth making.  I think it is good it isn't as sweet as some of the other juices that I've been having.  I'd like to get myself used to more vegetables and less fruit.  Fruit is great and all but the veggies are what I need to get.  I have no problem eating fruit- never have.  But I could go literally weeks without eating anything green.  

Recipe Test: Dr. Oz's 3 day detox smoothies


Click here for full recipe

I found this above but it looks like it originated with Dr. Oz.  There are three smoothies on the link and I've now tried them all.

Raspberry, Banana Spinach Smoothie:

  • Water
  • Flaxseed
  • Raspberries
  • Banana
  • Spinach
  • Almond Butter (I used peanut butter)
  • Lemon juice

Not bad.  I thought it would be sweeter than it was.  I think the flax and peanut butter distracted from the sweet of the fruit.  I wish you could see in the picture - it is all confetti looking up close.  I had this Sunday morning for breakfast.  

Celery, Cucumber, Kale Apple Smoothie: 
  • Milk (I used whole but the recipe calls for Almond Milk)
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Green Apple
  • Lime
  • Coconut Oil
  • Pineapple

I was a little nervous at these ingredients but it was surprisingly good!  The apple and pineapple give it a little sweet.  The celery, cucumber and lime make it really refreshing.  Bet this mix would be good a juice too.  The texture is a little crunch but I think I'll just leave it in the blender a bit longer next time.  I sipped it really slowly for a couple of hours this morning for breakfast.  

 Blueberry, Mango, Kale Smoothie

  • Coconut water
  • Blueberries
  • Mango
  • Kale
  • Lemon 
  • Avocado
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Flaxseed

I used frozen blueberries on this one so it had a nice cold smoothie vibe going.  The Cayenne pepper was a PUNCH!  This is the smoothie that I mentioned where I was like 'uh... what?! Pepper?!' ... it wasn't bad but I think I'll cut it down a bit next time with my wimp status when it comes to hot spices.  I had the remainder of the avocado and that was lunch today.  

For dinner today I had the leftovers of the farmer's market salad from last night and I made some juice from some random leftovers of sweet potato, apple, kale and cucumber. 

Result = STUFFED!   Other than a small headache from the lack of caffeine (having some tea to combat that now) and having to pee every five minutes I feel great!  

Recipe Test: Savory Flax Crackers


See full recipe here 


  • Flax meal
  • Grated Parmesan cheese
  • Dried chili flakes
  • Salt
  • Eggs 

Okay so the picture is awful.  Basically it ends up being a very sticky dough that is tough to roll out - I was worried.  But they turned out pretty good.  Not regular cracker good ... they are definitely health food.  But I actually like health food now so ... 

The chili powder gives them a serious kick!  I will not be using that much next time.  Or I'll try some other seasoning.  Good for a snack this week and the flax is supposedly really good for you.  From what I've read there is some evidence it may help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes.  It has omega 3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber.   I made them this week because in my research on what I'd need if I wasn't eating meat or much dairy one of those things was the omega 3 fatty acids.  Plus I figured these would make a good quick 'grab & go' snack for middle afternoon.   Little did I realize that the chili powder in them would make me drink A LOT of water and I found out that it has it's own health benefits.  One of my smoothies called for chili powder and I was like "What the ?!" so googled it.  

Vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals ... it's surprising - check it out:

Recipe Test: Oven Dried Strawberries

Credit:  Pinterest (unknown)

Pin said:  "Strawberries dried in the oven.  Tastes like candy.  3 hours at 210 degrees."

I got a huge container of strawberries at Whole Foods for this.  Perfect to try it since they are in season. 

Only problem ... after three hours they still were super moist ... 

And even after almost 5 hours they still were moist.  I don't know if maybe I needed to slice them thin?  Or if you really do need a dehydrator for this kind of thing.  I didn't want to waste them so I put them in a tupperware in the fridge.  They don't taste bad ... but I'd have rather eaten them fresh.

Eh ... such is life when you try new things!

June comes early

I went to the grocery late Saturday and loaded up for my 'Just Do It June' ... yes I know it isn't quite June yet but since I had no goal in may I figured I'd get a head start on June's!  

As you can see I'm fully stocked! 

Green green and more green! 

That huge container in there is the leftover paella and this was after a week of eating it!  

And of course the juice bin is ready!

Say hello to my new blender!   I was looking at the vitamix but come on - $400 for a BLENDER?!  Seriously?  Not unless I go vegan or raw and am using it constantly.  For now I asked around and my neighbor had gotten one of these Ninjas.  She said it worked well and really liked the fact that you could blend single servings - it comes with two little containers as well as the big one.  Of course on my first go I had to use the big one!

Tah dah!  (Up close it looked like confetti.   Recipe to follow shortly.)   The blender is LOUD but really? Who cares.  It is working well so far and no smoke or just plain old quitting like my last one.  

My official start is today (Monday 5/20) as Hubby has left on business travel so I don't have to worry about him.  However I'd already started eating closer to my plan this weekend.   Friday night we went to McFoster's (if you are in Omaha try it!: and I had an awesome salad!  They call it a health nut salad and it has literally everything in it!   From the menu: 

"Charbroiled peppers and oinions, honey glazed pecans, tamari roasted cashews, blanched brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and other veggie treasures decorate Omaha's #1 salad adventure.  Whole wheat garlic bread and raw milk cheddar or vegan mozzarella on the side."   

I just had a half order because their full size is huge!  The dressing I chose was Ginger, garlic, lime, dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar and honey ... I have to figure out how to make it at home! Sooooo good!

Saturday I had 2 eggs and an apple for breakfast.  Since doing the veggie paella I've decided to experiment with tumeric and threw some on my eggs ... yum!   And I had no idea that tumeric is one of those spices that is supposed to be really good for you.  


Turmeric is a great source of vitamin B6, essential for maintaining your blood vessels and preventing heart disease. This spice is also a great source of iron, manganese, potassium and fiber. Turmeric has been called a “magical healing substance”.  It contains curcumin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Because inflammation is a contributor to so many diseases, including Alzheimer’s and arthritis, the curcumin in turmeric is a precious find.

Of course I just think it tasted good!

Saturday for lunch I had the smoothie you see above in the blender.  For dinner I had leftover paella - of course!  (Sunday that damn paella went in the garbage!) 

Sunday I had a date with my bestie for lunch and shopping.  For breakfast I had eggs again - with tumeric!  I also had hot tea with lemon - no honey!   Before I left to pick up Bestie I tried the green juice recipe that I'll be drinking this week.  Not bad!  (recipe to follow!)

And for dinner a salad that has become a favorite of both mine and Hubby - "Farmers Market Salad" ... sooo good!  

I did have a caffeine withdrawal headache in the afternoon and felt a little fuzzy without it but that was expected since I tend to have 2 cups of 1/2 caff every day.  Not too bad though!  It'll be out of my system fast.  

Recipe Test: Kale Orzo Salad



  • Kale
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Dijon mustard
  • Orzo pasta
  • Cucumber
  • Red onion
  • Red bell pepper
  • Pine nuts
  • Fresh basil
  • Feta Cheese

This is another one I made last week and it made a huge portion so we had lots of leftovers!  Hubby did eat this one - he loves pasta of any kind.  

It's a cold salad so be sure to make the pasta and saute the kale with enough time for it to chill before you have to serve it.  This would be perfect to bring to a cookout or serve alongside something else.  I just had it by itself as my dinner ... and the leftovers were a nice quick lunch during the week.  

Recipe Test: Fully Loaded Kale Salad



  • Kale
  • Hemp seeds (I used flax)
  • Raw sunflower seeds
  • Apple
  • Avocado
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Mandarin Oranges
  • Sweet Onion
  • Black Pepper
  • Tahini
  • Rice Vinegar
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Oil 
  • Grade B Maple Syrup 
I improvised a little on this one in terms of size because Hubby was not remotely interested and clearly is craving a big juicy steak or burger!  Whatever ... I'm the one cooking - he can fend for himself!  He did it for YEARS before this adventure of mine so he knows not to bitch and moan (too much) when I cook something he doesn't like.  

I'm not sure if maybe I did something wrong but the dressing was pasty / chunky.  I tasted great and I was able to toss the kale in it so I just went with it.  This is the first time I've had kale raw like this - it is so much thicker than lettuce or spinach but it works.  The fruit and nuts balance this out.  I probably could have done without the avocado (I know - shocking that I say that since I love avocados) as it's flavor kind of got lost in the rest.  

Recipe Test: Spring Veggie Paella



  • Olive oil
  • Onion
  • Pimentos 
  • Tomato
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Tumeric
  • Brown Rice
  • Chicken or Vegetable Broth
  • Parsley
  • Asparagus
  • Peas
  • Artichoke Hearts
  • Cannellini Beans

This is a meal I made early last week.  Hubby said "bland" and didn't touch the leftovers which sucked because there were A LOT of leftovers.  I finally threw out the rest yesterday as I'd had enough to be sick of it.  I did like it though.  I ended up adding more Tumeric (never had it before now and I LOVE it!) and a dash of salt to my individual servings to jazz it up a bit.  That worked really well.  

Tomatoes are making me so glad the weather is getting warmer.  I can't wait to get the backyard done and have my own veggie garden! 

I used my big cast iron pan for this as I don't have a paella pan... actually I have no idea what a paella pan even looks like!  But the recipe said you don't need one - any large frying pan will do.  

Asparagus from the farmers market .. I don't know why but I've always thought asparagus is pretty the way the green and purplish colors blend.   Of course after 'it's pretty' my next thought is 'here comes Hubby's commentary for the next 24 hours on how it makes his pee smell...'  sigh.  

The recipe didn't specify if the rice should be cooked or not so I put it in dry - thinking that it would soak up all that nice broth.  Problem is it took FOREVER - much longer than the recipe said ... we finally ate it when it was still a little crunchy because it was getting so late.   I think next time I'll partially cook it in the broth and then throw them in at the same time. 

It was really good and loaded with veggies.  Of course Hubby said "where is the meat?!" but tough shit ... I'm the one cooking!  

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Just Do It June

So far this year I'd done a goal each month.  January was about getting started with learning to cook and following a real / whole foods diet.  February was about portion control.  March was "mostly fruit & veggie March".   May I just didn't know what to do and half the month has slipped by without a decision.

As you know, this journey of mine is about my health and a big part of my health is my weight.   I've been blessed so far in life not to have any chronic or serious issues other than being overweight (at times to the point of being clinically obese) since I was in my early twenties.  I feel really good about what I've been doing.  I've given it almost five months and it truly is becoming a lifestyle, not a fad.  I still love cooking and eating like this.  However what hasn't happened is the weight loss.  Initially I did lose about 5 pounds but mostly I've maintained these few months.   It's time to jump into some additional changes to get it going.  So I've decided that June will be in the theme of "just do it".   It is time to get active and also to actively eat in a way that will allow me to start getting this unhealthy weight off.

I'm okay with losing slowly.  I also have no illusions of a certain weight or size.  I'm not a clinician but I've worked in the health care field now for almost 15 years.  You can't help but learn from being around so many nurses, dietitians and doctors.  I've learned about the correlations between weight and health and simply - it's not good.  Healthy for my height is going to be between 120 and 150 pounds.  I'm currently at about 190 and trust me, it ain't muscle!

Credit: webmd

I'm going to get a head start by starting now.  Meal plan for this week is done and I just got home from Whole Foods.  I let Hubby know that he's on his own after Sunday night for dinner because lord knows if he's bitching already about "this vegetarian shit" he is not going to like what I'll be making!  Just like how I've been blogging to keep myself on track and ... well to give me some sense of having to be accountable ... (Even thinking that anyone - even one person out there may be watching this journey of mine makes me more accountable.  That's why I chose to do a blog instead of a journal.) ... I am going to write about this part of the journey.   That will keep me honest and on track.

So what's the plan?   Well ... I'm not sure this is what I'll stick to the entire time - it depends on how my body reacts / responds ... but I'm starting by shifting my diet a bit.  I'll be eating:

1.  Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
2.  Frozen Fruits & Vegetables
3.  Eggs
4.  Dairy
5.  Seeds / Nuts
6.  Beans
7.  Honey & Maple Syrup
8.  Grains
9.  Healthy fats

What won't I be eating?  What's different?

1.  I won't be making or buying desserts, granola, breads or the like.
2.  I will be significantly limiting my milk and cheese intake.
3.  I will be significantly limiting my honey & maple syrup intake - just if they are called for in salad dressings or a specific recipe.  Very little in my coffee or tea.
4.  I will be significantly limiting my intake of things like bread, rice, and the like.
5.  Fats - olive oil, coconut oil & nut / seed oils - very minimal.

The plan for this week is:

Breakfasts:  2 eggs & a green juice
Lunch:  Mostly smoothies - all recipes are made primarily of fruit and dark leafy greens like spinach & kale.
Snack:  Walnuts & homemade dried strawberries or homemade flaxmeal crackers
Dinner:  A small meal very close to 100% vegetables

I did some research to make sure I'm getting all the nutrients and such that I need even though it will be vegetarian and honestly damn close to vegan.  I kept eggs in there for protein and honestly b/c I know where my eggs come from and feel good about it.  Milk I'm using only if a smoothie recipe calls for it.  Cheese I've only got some goat cheese for a salad, some parmesan for the flaxmeal crackers and also for a spinach dish.  Otherwise none.  I'm not sure how much 'detox' symptoms I'll have so I'm going to watch & if I have to take it easy I will  ... but the plan also is to get in activity at least 3x a week.  Be that walking one of the dogs or going to the gym I need to get OFF MY ASS!

One step at a time ... so for now just focusing on this week!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Recipe Test: Baked French Fries


Click here for original recipe


  • Potatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Dried Italian Herbs
  • Romano Cheese
  • Parsley
  • Butter
  • Salt & Pepper

Okay so I decided that Italian was NOT going to work as a side to the black bean burgers so I went off recipe immediately with this one.  Don't get me wrong - it sounds awesome & I will try them exactly to the recipe next time!

I made less than the recipe called for because obviously there are just two of us.  Instead of the Italian Herbs I used Emeril's Southwestern Seasoning (BAM!) and left out the cheese.  

Chopping up the potatoes took a while but it was worth it!  Here they are in the oven above and the finished product below:

Several of them burned but most were perfectly golden & YUMMY.  Not as crispy as fried but definitely hit the 'french fry' taste.  The southwestern seasoning worked really well with the burger - had one hell of a kick!  

I may have to try this with sweet potatoes!