Saturday, May 18, 2013

Just Do It June

So far this year I'd done a goal each month.  January was about getting started with learning to cook and following a real / whole foods diet.  February was about portion control.  March was "mostly fruit & veggie March".   May I just didn't know what to do and half the month has slipped by without a decision.

As you know, this journey of mine is about my health and a big part of my health is my weight.   I've been blessed so far in life not to have any chronic or serious issues other than being overweight (at times to the point of being clinically obese) since I was in my early twenties.  I feel really good about what I've been doing.  I've given it almost five months and it truly is becoming a lifestyle, not a fad.  I still love cooking and eating like this.  However what hasn't happened is the weight loss.  Initially I did lose about 5 pounds but mostly I've maintained these few months.   It's time to jump into some additional changes to get it going.  So I've decided that June will be in the theme of "just do it".   It is time to get active and also to actively eat in a way that will allow me to start getting this unhealthy weight off.

I'm okay with losing slowly.  I also have no illusions of a certain weight or size.  I'm not a clinician but I've worked in the health care field now for almost 15 years.  You can't help but learn from being around so many nurses, dietitians and doctors.  I've learned about the correlations between weight and health and simply - it's not good.  Healthy for my height is going to be between 120 and 150 pounds.  I'm currently at about 190 and trust me, it ain't muscle!

Credit: webmd

I'm going to get a head start by starting now.  Meal plan for this week is done and I just got home from Whole Foods.  I let Hubby know that he's on his own after Sunday night for dinner because lord knows if he's bitching already about "this vegetarian shit" he is not going to like what I'll be making!  Just like how I've been blogging to keep myself on track and ... well to give me some sense of having to be accountable ... (Even thinking that anyone - even one person out there may be watching this journey of mine makes me more accountable.  That's why I chose to do a blog instead of a journal.) ... I am going to write about this part of the journey.   That will keep me honest and on track.

So what's the plan?   Well ... I'm not sure this is what I'll stick to the entire time - it depends on how my body reacts / responds ... but I'm starting by shifting my diet a bit.  I'll be eating:

1.  Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
2.  Frozen Fruits & Vegetables
3.  Eggs
4.  Dairy
5.  Seeds / Nuts
6.  Beans
7.  Honey & Maple Syrup
8.  Grains
9.  Healthy fats

What won't I be eating?  What's different?

1.  I won't be making or buying desserts, granola, breads or the like.
2.  I will be significantly limiting my milk and cheese intake.
3.  I will be significantly limiting my honey & maple syrup intake - just if they are called for in salad dressings or a specific recipe.  Very little in my coffee or tea.
4.  I will be significantly limiting my intake of things like bread, rice, and the like.
5.  Fats - olive oil, coconut oil & nut / seed oils - very minimal.

The plan for this week is:

Breakfasts:  2 eggs & a green juice
Lunch:  Mostly smoothies - all recipes are made primarily of fruit and dark leafy greens like spinach & kale.
Snack:  Walnuts & homemade dried strawberries or homemade flaxmeal crackers
Dinner:  A small meal very close to 100% vegetables

I did some research to make sure I'm getting all the nutrients and such that I need even though it will be vegetarian and honestly damn close to vegan.  I kept eggs in there for protein and honestly b/c I know where my eggs come from and feel good about it.  Milk I'm using only if a smoothie recipe calls for it.  Cheese I've only got some goat cheese for a salad, some parmesan for the flaxmeal crackers and also for a spinach dish.  Otherwise none.  I'm not sure how much 'detox' symptoms I'll have so I'm going to watch & if I have to take it easy I will  ... but the plan also is to get in activity at least 3x a week.  Be that walking one of the dogs or going to the gym I need to get OFF MY ASS!

One step at a time ... so for now just focusing on this week!

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.