Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sweet Tooth SATISFIED! Recipe Test: Primal Fudge

Credit:  Practical Paleo Blog

Click here for full recipe


  • Coconut oil
  • Cocoa powder
  • Smooth Almond or Peanut butter (I used peanut butter)
  • Honey or Maple Syrup (I used honey this time)
  • Vanilla
I have a major sweet tooth and so each week I've been trying out recipes that will help me satisfy it.  I'm trying not to go too crazy with desserts but also not to deny myself.  So far I'd just made brownies and chocolate 'power balls' but when I saw this one on pinterest I saved it for the future.  It was super easy and it is SOOOOOO GOOD!   I think even my pre- whole / real foods taste buds would have rejoiced on this one.

I put some in my muffin tin but I only have one so then put the rest in ice cube trays.  Once they are refrigerated for a while it goes from a thick batter consistency to a softer chocolate - melts almost immediately on your hands but well worth it!

WILL be making again.  WILL be hiding from husband!  The little girl in me is sooooo happy right now!

Photo credit:

Recipe Test: Peanut Squash Soup

Credit:  100 Days of Real Food

Click here for full recipe


  • Peanut oil
  • Butternut squash
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Cumin
  • Coriander
  • Chicken stock 
  • Peanut butter
  • Tomato paste
  • Red pepper
  • Fresh cilantro

Easy to make.  I have to admit I had no idea what butternut squash was and forgot to Google it before buying so when the only squash I saw at Whole Foods said "Winter Squash" I passed it up and went for the cans.  I found cans with just one ingredient and figured it's soup so it's got to still work.  I was a little worried when I opened them and saw it was pureed instead of chunks of squash but then I figured again - it's soup!  I ended up using 3 full cans in it.   I also added some more of the spices because on a taste test it was a bit bland.  It made a bunch!  I had some for lunch and still had two containers left.  With hubby gone it looks like this will be lunch every day this week!  

It smells wonderful and has a good flavor.  I wouldn't say I "LOVE" it but I definitely didn't dislike it.  I may play more with seasoning each day as I go.  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Recipe Test: Baked Tortilla Chips


Click here to see original recipe


  • Tortilla chips (I used homemade whole wheat ones!)
  • Lime
  • Oil (the recipe says vegetable but I tried peanut - I thought olive might influence the taste & didn't really have any other 'plain' oils)
  • Chili powder, Cumin, Salt or other spice to your taste

Okay first of all this picture makes me realize how OLD and gross our cookie sheets look..  Well ... they work.  I'll wait until I'm at this a while to buy new 'toys' for the kitchen or hubby will freak!  And there are a lot of other things I'd probably buy before a new cookie sheet so gross looking is what it is... 

More importantly - I can't believe how easy these were.  I used the lime, oil and then just a dash of salt.  Next time I think I'll use a bit more seasoning but they are really good.  I could definitely make a meal out of some of these and a salad / salsa of some sort!  Will have to find a recipe to go with!  

Recipe Test: Southwestern Chicken Wraps

Credit: www.

Click here for full recipe


  • Sour cream (the recipe called for reduced fat but I used REAL!)
  • Pickled jalapenos (I got "brave" and used 1/2 of one fresh jalapeno)
  • Lime juice
  • Sandwich wraps (tortillas)
  • Baby spinach
  • Shredded chicken
  • Black beans
  • Tomato
  • Red onion
  • Avocado

I took a picture of it before I wrapped it up.  I guess I didn't really need a side salad for this meal since it is pretty much a salad in a tortilla!  Even so I had leftovers enough to have the taco salad I made the night before just without the lettuce and with more cucumber.  I must admit I didn't finish it ... I was stuffed part way through.  I could feel the guilt kick in at the thought of not "cleaning my plate" - wow is that just ingrained in from so many years!  Even with no one around (hubby on business trip this week) I felt bad about it.  Now had hubby been here I definitely would have heard it - he's HUGE on not wasting food & is the president of the 'Clean your plate' club!   Since I knew he wouldn't be here to eat with me this week my meal plan is lighter in terms of no side dishes.  And other than the leftover shredded chicken I've got no meat on the menu!  

Recipe Test: Black Bean Taco Salad with Green Chile-Honey Mustard Dressing


Click here to see the full recipe.


  • Roasted hatch green chiles (okay I'll admit I ignored this in the recipe & left it out because of my fear of 'hot' spicy ... I'm making progress but I'm not "there" yet!)
  • Lime juice
  • White wine vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Dijon mustard
  • Honey
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Jicama
  • Cucumber
  • Black beans
  • Avocado
  • Tortilla chips (I left these out too)

I used this as a side salad for the Honey Lime Enchiladas.  It was good.  I think the dressing was a little sweet.  (I seriously can't believe I've now said something was TOO SWEET twice!  I don't know if I should be proud of myself or make a reservation for a padded cell in the mental ward of the local hosptial!).   I may actually try the peppers in the dressing next time!  

Recipe Test: Honey Lime Enchiladas


Click here for full recipe

  • Honey
  • Lime juice
  • Chili powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Shredded chicken
  • Flour tortillas
  • Green enchilada sauce
  • Heavy cream

I was excited about this one.  As I've mentioned before I'm not a fan of Mexican food usually because I have a hard time with 'hot' spicy.  But with my success with the fajitas I've gotten brave.  Plus my taste buds are really changing so I decided what the hell!  Oh ... and the honey in the title didn't exactly turn me off - I LOVE honey!   

I made a little taco salad recipe I found for a side salad.  Definitely needed since there are no veggies in this dish ... I guess technically there are in the sauce but I'm no longer allowing such rationalization in my life!  

Dinner looked so good I had to take a picture ... got the sign above my stove on purpose - it had always been ironic since no cooking took place in the kitchen but now it seems fitting!  Well ... maybe more fitting if it was a french dish... 

Once again I tried to fill up a good half of my plate with the salad.  I still can't believe how many fresh veggies I'm getting and that I'm actually enjoying them.  I could go months and months before without any - no I'm not kidding and yes I know how sad that is!   

My husband LOVED this dish ... and I'm pretty lucky he did because sadly I didn't.  Funny thing is that it wasn't the spicy that turned me off  - it was the honey!  The sauce was great but once you got to the marinated chicken inside the sweet just didn't seem to belong.  I kept asking my hubby "You really like this?" ... I ate it because I made it and felt I had to give it a chance.  Hubby happily ate up all the leftovers because this one is literally the only one I ate.  I will definitely be making enchiladas again but bean or veggie of some sort.  Maybe I'll make a partial pan of these for the hubby - he did really love them.  

Almost a month! Looking forward to February...

In getting my meal plan ready for this week I realized ... this is WEEK FIVE!  I've been at this a full month.  I can't believe it has already been that long and honestly I can't believe how well it is going and how little effort I feel like I'm putting into it.  Don't get me wrong - there is effort but I'm actually having fun learning, cooking, doing the meal plans and grocery shopping.  Usually at this point in a "diet" I'm just through the painful part of getting used to the rules and doing without whatever the food deemed "bad" is.  I'm usually fighting serious cravings for that food and always fighting my sweet tooth.  Fun has NEVER come into it before.  And for the first time I can honestly say that I can see myself doing this long term ... not a "diet" but a true honest to goodness lifestyle change.

As I think about how I'll continue I think each month I'll focus in on something in particular.  January obviously was learning to cook and getting used to the 'Real Food Rules' as outlined by my favorite resource so far - the 100 Days of Real Food blog.  I was thinking about coming up with my own rules but I must say from what I've learned so far I haven't come up with anything but reasons to stick to these rules!  Lots of reasons!  So I'll stick with these rules for now as I continue to learn ... and there is SO MUCH to learn.  I'm half way through Michael Pollen's The Omnivore's Dilemma and seeing why doing this is also not just about getting "organic" or "fresh" but about truly knowing where your food came from.  For now I feel good about the changes I've already made but I'm also paying more attention to the labels - how far away did it come from?  Does it say "grass fed" or "pasture raised" ... surprising how some of those descriptions can be so deceiving.  That "cage free" means literally ONLY that the chickens were not raised in a cage - they still could be all crowded in a building together and never see the light of day, fed a diet that is not natural to them but will fatten them up fast! I had an image of a white farm house and a red barn with many animals and little chicken coops.  How naive* of me.  Out of sight truly means out of mind and not just in my simplistic 'my whole chicken looks like a chicken so now I feel bad for it' way.  The food industry understandably takes full advantage of the fact that we don't see it ... that we don't want to see it.  I think as I learn more and more I will have many moments of upset but I don't see that as a bad thing - just an awakening of sorts.  

So what will I focus on in February?  Well - keeping up what I've already started with cooking and learning and meal planning.  I realize that in this journey of mine there will be much I learn that is big picture and that I can't control as an individual.  So I'm focusing on some very simple things that I can control ... for February it will be paying attention to my portion size.  Am I really hungry?  When do I feel full?  What the hell does full even feel like?  I know stuffed ... but full supposedly comes much sooner.  According to Food Rules by Michael Pollen (I dig this author!) the Japanese have a saying - hara hachi bu - that basically says to stop eating when you are 80% full.  I'm going to try to keep that in mind and also an old wives' test he mentioned "If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you're not hungry."   I'm going to take a picture of my dinner every night so I can literally SEE my portions and keep track of them.  Now I do realize that this is a very weight loss oriented focus.  Though not my only motivation for this journey getting healthy is a big part of it and weight loss has to come with it in my case.  I'm 5'4" and 190 pounds and have been overweight for almost 20 years ... I have no serious health issues right now but that's asking for trouble.  And the roller coaster I've been on between the weights of 140 and 210 the last few years has got to have been rough on my body.  I'm not jumping on the scale or worrying about how much I'll lose by when or even the size of my clothes.  I just know I, like so many Americans, have grown up used to "super size" and that we eat much more than we really need.  I was part of the 'clean your plate' club as a kid.   Time to pay attention and not just mindlessly fill my plate.

Pictures of my portions so far from last month:


These are all large dinner plates.  I do love these pictures because I can already see that I have made a huge change in getting in a TON of veggies!  Before this journey you'd never see side dishes unless they were french fries or chips that came with the take out.

*To come clean I had to google how to spell naive - I always want to spell it nieve.  I'm a horrible speller ... my mom always used to say "It is a sign of creativity that you never spell the same word the same way twice!" ... my teachers did not feel the same.  Anyway, I was lead to and when I actually read the definition I almost laughed at it's relevance to this issue in SO many ways: 

"1.  having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous."

and get this:

"4.  not having previously been the subject of a scientific experiment, as an animal" 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Recipe Test: Roasted Zucchini, Onion & Peppers


Click here for original recipe.


  • Zucchini
  • Bell Peppers
  • Red onion
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Again ... Real food is simply PRETTY!  I love how the colors get me excited about my meal - this is an unexpected perk of learning to cook for me.  I'm not sure why I never thought about it but I didn't.  Learning to cook was just a means to an end of feeding myself and getting rid of the diet roller-coaster.  Little did I expect to really truly enjoy it and have little moments of appreciation of what nature / God provides us.  

A note:  HOLY CRAP the heat hits you when you open the oven on this one!   I must remember to stand back for a moment, not immediately lean down and put my hand and face closer to take out what is in there - who knew it could make you tear up like that?!  Okay fine - cooks know this ... but I'm no cook ... YET!) 

This are surprisingly good.  I think that the zucchini need to be sliced thinner and maybe somehow remove some of the moisture from them (will google!) as they can be a bit soggy but otherwise WOW!  I literally caught myself thinking "I could be a vegetarian" on this one ... but I have all that pulled chicken leftover ... so just a thought, not an action! 

I served as a side to Quiche - yummy dinner!  

A Shout Out to Moms & A Naughty Puppy!

Unfortunately life took a turn a few years back and long story short I am not and will not be a a real mommy.   As I learn to cook I do realize just how hard working moms must have it!  How do they do it?!  Work all day ... shuttle the kids around ... AND put a good healthy meal on the table!  No wonder quick and processed foods have taken off so much as our culture changed from "a woman's place is in the home" to what we have today.  To anyone who knows me and knows how hard it was to come to the realization that my life would be one without kids this will seem a very strange statement ... but lately I'm almost glad I am "just a doggie mommy", not a real one.  I'm not sure I could juggle it all and be ... well ... not a crazy mean  b*tch!   What?!  I'm feisty already - add stress and I'm just plain growly!

Speaking of being a "doggie mommy" ... I am torturing my poor dogs with all this cooking!  We have three ... a little female Jack Russell Terrier named Pumpkin who is a grumpy old lady at the age of 13 (she even growls in her sleep!) ... a plump male Jack Russell Terrier named Oliver because he is the little orphan (Jack Russell Rescue Rocks!) who landed in the lap of spoiled rotten luxury - he's around six ... and our baby - a 75 pound Rottie mix that I nicknamed Biggy.  (My husband picked his name and it is DUMB so I use his nickname).  Now to call him a Rottie sounds strange because a full bread Rottweiler compared to my dog is like a sumo wrestler compared to a basketball player.   He's lean and lanky from whatever else is in there who has just reached his adult size as he's about 1 1/2 years old.  (The Nebraska Human Society Rocks too!) Honestly, I don't care what he is ... he's a big ball of goofy love bug! BUT ... Biggy is a real problem when it comes to cooking because he can actually reach the counter.  Case in point ... 

Last week I was busy working ... I work from home in an attic bedroom converted into a nice little office ... and Biggy started whining and pacing like he needed to go out.   So down the stairs we all go ... but Biggy didn't want out - he wanted the Whole Chicken in a Crock Pot that was on the counter!   

THIS is where he immediately went and um ... NO HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO DO THAT!  Thank God my crock pot has one of those bungie chord things to strap the lid on or he may have opened it up and taken a big old bite out of that chicken!  

"What?!  I'm just guarding it for you mom!"

Nice try Biggy ... nice try. 

Recipe Test: Cucumber Avocado Caprese Salad


Click here for original recipe.


  • Cucumbers
  • Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
  • Fresh basil 
  • Fresh mozzarella (little balls are best!)
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt & pepper

GOOD!  Perfect side salad for pizza or great on it's own.  Clearly the FULL plate is my husband's.  I do feel better that it is 1/2 salad.  Mine you can tell I'm working on portions - 1/2 salad and 2 pieces of pizza.  Though I will say I'm fuller quicker I still am struggling with wanting to eat A LOT.   I'm definitely getting more veggies and fruits than I EVER have so I'm trying to make sure that they fill up half my plate and most of my tummy.   

Recipe Test: Asian Chicken Salad with Honey Sesame Dressing


Click here for full recipe.



  • Lettuce
  • Red Cabbage
  • Avocado
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Edamama beans (shelled)
  • Chicken (optional)
  • Sesame seeds

  • Shallot
  • Honey
  • Rice Wine Vinegar
  • Sesame Oil
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Kosher Salt

So I started getting excited just making it because simply the colors were gorgeous!  I caught myself saying "what a pretty salad!"  ... That has been cracking me up lately - how often I think of my food as pretty or beautiful.  I suppose it makes sense though.  I'm eating REAL food from nature and ... not to get too religious or anything here but ... God is the original cook here and he does a damn good job at making things pretty.  It's man that f*s it up!  

So ... I left out the chicken because this was a side instead of the main dish (I served it with Crisp Sesame Fish Fillets).  I also left out the edamame because stupid me bought a bag of them in the shell and didn't want to take the time to de-shell them.   I did make another salad for lunch with the leftovers the next day and added them. Unfortunately once you put the dressing on the salad lettuce doesn't keep well - gets slimy soggy overnight in the fridge.  So I tossed it out and then chopped up the rest of the red cabbage and just used it!   The dressing is YUM!  Just sweet enough.  

Next time THIS is the full dinner just add pulled or sliced chicken!   

Recipe Test: Crisp Sesame Fish Fillets

One of the first things I did as I prepared to learn to cook was look for a true beginners book.  I do not understand why everyone suggests The Joy of Cooking - I have it ... have had it for years and I'm sorry it does NOT make it seem simple!   This one on the other hand I ordered and really like so far:

I decided to try what looked like a pretty easy fish dish using Tilapia that I had in the freezer.  (Yes I bought farm raised ... I hadn't read enough at that point - will be looking for wild caught or doing some more research on where my seafood is coming from before buying more!)

You literally need fish ... sesame seeds, salt, pepper, oil & pan.  Whole Foods has bulk sesame seeds so I got a decent amount.  My only note is that I probably didn't need to put all of them on the plate to do this - and I didn't exactly want to save the remainder after the fish had touched it ... not good to throw so many out.   Anyway, just take the sesame seeds and put them on a plate or wide bowl.  Season the fish fillets with salt and pepper and then dredge the fish across on both sides - pressing a little to get the seeds to stick. 

Pan fry in oil (I chose sesame, it seemed fitting).  The recipe cooks pretty fast so check often to avoid burning.  I think I got a little paranoid about that so lost more seeds than needed.  I also think I used too much oil but hey - I'm a beginner!  

Easy and tasty!  Dinner is served: 

PS - for that GORGEOUS side salad see my next post!

Bigger & Better Whole Wheat Tortillas

Though I considered the Whole Wheat Flour Tortillas recipe a hit from the start it has taken me some time to feel like I've got them the shape, thickness and size I want.  I saw that my favorite blogger had a tortilla press in her list of must have kitchen items so after my first go round I treated myself to one: 
In the process I discovered Sur la table ... I sense DANGER!  I have a feeling that place will be like Target in that you can't escape for less than $100 - go in for just "one little thing" and then ... whoopsie!  Anyway, probably not much safer on-line but click here to find it and buy on-line.   

This did make them nice and round but quite thick and very small.  (I didn't realize until later that Lisa from 100 Days of Real Food had noted she uses this for her CORN tortillas, not flour - duh!)  They still tasted good but not convenient if you really want the tortilla to wrap around the food and not have it all fall out one end or the other.   So this past weekend I knew I had to try something new.  I had two recipes on my meal plan that called for tortillas - Honey & Lime Enchiladas and Southwestern Chicken Wraps.   The wraps in particular called for HUGE tortillas or wouldn't work.  

I still used the same recipe as before - just made 2 batches instead of one.  For one batch I made the regular number of 12 balls but after taking them out of the tortilla press I used my rolling pin to roll them out a bit.  Not perfect circles but it got them thinner and bigger!  And really, who cares about perfect circles?  Shouldn't homemade be a little imperfect?  

I also used my new Olive Oil Sprayer (told you Sur la table was dangerous!) to see if I could make them a little less greasy.  Oil is indeed yummy but just pouring it from bottle to pan means about a tsp for each tortilla ... I'm not focusing on calories but my goal in this is not to GAIN weight and so my common sense kicked in.  

Here's my new toy all covered with flour & then a pic from on-line that is a little prettier.  You put olive oil in it and the lid as a pumping thingy to push air in so that when you spray it it is like an aerosol spray.   Not exactly as easy and fluid as Pam but none of those extra (scary) ingredients!  Click here to get yourself one. 

Ta dah!  12 pretty big tortillas all ready & less greasy!

Next I had to make the HUGE ones.  Instead of cutting the dough into 12 pieces I cut it into 8.  I still used the tortilla press to start and then rolled it out afterwards.   This time instead of my regular pan I used a flat I guess you'd call it a griddle pan?   

The regular pan just wasn't big enough but this one worked great.  As you can see I got them almost as big as a dinner plate!  These will work great as 'wraps' ... and still less greasy!  Tip- you do have to spray for quite a while to really coat the pan, unlike with true aerosol sprays, but I really think it is worth it to not have the extra junk in there and to be able to 'go light' on the oil.   

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Recipe Revised: Whole Wheat Lemon Poppy seed Pancakes

Original Recipe:  Whole Wheat Banana Pancakes
Credit:  100 Days Real Food blog

I saw a recipe on Pinterest for Lemon Poppy seed Pancakes and thought ooooooooh!   When I clicked on it sadly it would not fit the real foods diet guidelines I'm following but I saved it anyway wondering if I could figure out substitutions.  Click here for the original recipe (credit if you are game for using raw or real sugar.  Right now I'm sticking to maple syrup and honey as sweeteners as I learn more about the different kinds of 'natural' sugar and how processed they really are.

When I went into my saved recipes this week to figure out my meal plan I saw the picture again and decided to see if I could take the pancake recipe I'd used previously and instead of being banana make them lemon poppy seed. The recipe just said 1/3 cup poppy seeds and the zest of 4 lemons ... it really wasn't that different so I just decided to try that instead of the mashed bananas.

Other than poppy seeds being already in something I've never seen them.  They are really very pretty - all shades of blue and grey.

It worked!  This is just part of the batch.  Once again I am freezing them and then will grab one out of the microwave and quick microwave it in the mornings.  

It's hard to wait for breakfast to try them but I was a good girl!   


  • Whole-wheat flour
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Honey
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Poppy seeds
  • Lemons
  • 100% Pure Maple Syrup


Recipe Test: Pasta with Green Olive Pesto

Credit:  Real

Click here for full recipe.


  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Garlic
  • Green olives
  • Fresh parsley
  • Fresh basil
  • Olive oil
  • Black olives
  • Kosher salt

The recipe calls for spaghetti but I decided to go with shells.  The pesto smelled really good with all that garlic.  Sadly this is my first recipe that have have to say that I will not make again.  It's funny ... I love olives.  I love pesto.  I love pasta.   Why did I hate this?  It was kind of blah.  Shockingly little flavor for all that smell.

Give it a try yourself and see if you like it - it's easy enough and not horrible.  Hubby scoffed it down (all the leftovers too).