Friday, February 1, 2013

Recipe Test: Pumpkin Spice Latte


Click here for the full recipe


  • Vanilla
  • Heavy cream (didn't have so just used extra whole milk) 
  • Ground ginger
  • Ground nutmeg
  • Cinnamon
  • Milk
  • Pumpkin puree
  • Sweetener - the recipe called for brown sugar or sucanat - I chose real maple syrup
I made the mixture this past weekend to use in my coffee this week so froze it in individual portions.  

I used my muffin pan but you could easily use an ice cube tray or baby food tray if you wanted to.  This recipe is funny to me because I feel like I'm getting veggies in my coffee!  Wait ... is a pumpkin a vegetable?  A fruit?  Awh who cares?!  It's good for you!  I just put the frozen 'puck' in my coffee mug and quickly microwave to defrost it and then pour in my coffee.  I did still end up using a little extra milk and maple syrup but I think if I play with the recipe a bit to have more milk / syrup in it but keep the rest the same amounts it would work.  It does taste amazingly like what I remember at Starbucks - before I added my 5 packets of splenda of course!  (I know ... it was crazy!) 

I think next time I'll make the frozen portions a little smaller - maybe use an ice cube tray instead of muffin tin to make them.  It is definitely worth making again!  My morning coffee is once again a wonderful ritual.  

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