Thursday, April 25, 2013

Recipe Test: Split Pea Soup


Click here for recipe


  • Oil
  • Onion
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Split peas
  • Ham broth
  • Bay leaves
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Ham
  • Parsley

Another quick and easy recipe.  The only issue is you have to let it sit and simmer for about 2 hours so not something to start at 5PM for dinner that night.  I had left over ham from the Hoppin' John recipe that I needed to use.  Oh and guess who likes ham again?  Yep!  Now that he's feeling well he's in love with ham.  

Lots of goodies in this soup - here is a better pic where you can tell: 

Makes a BIG batch so be ready for leftovers! 

Recipe Test: Citrus Berry Smoothie


Click here for full recipe


  • Orange
  • Banana
  • Mixed Berries
  • Apple
  • Lemon
  • Yogurt
  • Baby spinach
  • Protein Powder (I left out)
  • Cinnamon
  • Ice (I used frozen berries instead)

Pretty good!  Worth a try if you like smoothies!

Recipe Test: Simple Spinach Salad


Click here for original


  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Spinach
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Lemon juice

That's it ... super simple lunch salad.  It was good.  I'm not sure I'll use as much lemon juice next time or any at all as the flavors of the tomato, spinach and avocado are enough for me.  Good, quick & healthy!

Recipe Test: Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Muffins


Click here for full recipe


  • Rolled oats
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Honey
  • Baking powder
  • Soda
  • Flax seed
  • Vanilla
  • Bananas
I wanted something easy and quick this week for breakfasts so I whipped up a batch of these muffins. Super simple (and fast) to make.  I added dried blueberries and walnuts to the first batch.   I may try other things next time.  DEFINITELY will be a next time.   I wonder if I could leave the bananas out?   You can barely taste them though.  Even Hubby who HATES bananas scarfed them down.  Of course I told him there were bananas in them hoping he'd leave them alone ... fail.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Recipe Test: Roasted Vegetable Sandwich / Side of Parmesan Potatoes


- Sandwich: - click here for original recipe

- Potatoes: - click here for original recipe


  • Whole wheat bread
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini
  • Tomato
  • Pesto
  • Mozzarella
  • Butter
  • Mozzarella (fresh!)

  • Potatoes
  • Butter
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Garlic powder or salt

This one took a while because first I had to roast the vegetables and then make the potatoes.  In hindsight I wouldn't put these two recipes together again - I was thinking the potatoes would be more like home fries / wedges.   Both recipes on their own are pretty easy.  

The end result of the sandwich is awful damn cute.  Look at those pretty stripes of color!

The bread is a brand from Whole Foods that only has very minimal ingredients.

Here's my sandwich cut in half so you can see the ingredients.  I went heavy on pesto because I love it.  I used the pesto recipe from 100 Days of Real Food.   The sandwich was AWESOME!!!  Definitely worth the effort of roasting the veggies.  At one bite I immediately thought "this is restaurant sandwich good!" which is funny because really shouldn't food made at home taste better than restaurant food?  

The potatoes were okay but they just didn't go with the sandwich in terms of flavor.  Too much butter in the recipe caused them to be really greasy and slimy.  I only ate one and threw the rest in with the leftovers.  The sandwich was filling enough on it's own for my dinner.  I threw in a glass of grapefruit, orange & lime juice for the vitamin C since I'm still fighting this bug so the potatoes tipped it into just being too much.  

Hubby approved of the sandwich too!  Definitely will make again!  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Recipe Test: Rosemary Potato Kale Tart

Credit: The Kitchy Kitchen

Click here for full recipe


  • Rose potatoes
  • Rosemary
  • Olive oil
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Kale
  • Yellow onion
  • Butter
  • Ricotta
  • Salt & pepper
  • Note:  You can make your own pie crust - I chose to be lazy & buy a ready frozen whole wheat crust with minimal ingredients at Whole Foods. 
Oliver agrees - it's a day for lazy! 
 I've got a thing for pies and tarts so when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I immediately saved it.  All in all it was pretty minimal effort.  Had I made the crust myself obviously it would have taken more time.

The 'innards' are basically onions, kale, ricotta cheese and seasoning.  I didn't need as many potatoes as the recipe called for - I used just two of the four and had leftovers even from that.  I don't have a mandolin or I'd have sliced them up thinner than this and maybe put more than one layer on top.

 Sprinkle on top the rosemary leaves and parm.  A little salt and pepper ... and here's what the end result looks like:

It is pretty isn't it?   That is until you cut it!  Didn't exactly get it out of the pan in one piece ....

Portion note - that is salad / luncheon plate.  

It is really very good!  The fresh rosemary is what I think makes the dish.  Amazing how a little leaf can be so flavorful!  

Friday, April 19, 2013

Recipe Test: Tomato, Spinach & Feta Strata


Click here for full recipe


  • Whole wheat bread
  • Asparagus
  • Onion
  • Baby spinach
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Salt & pepper
  • Tomatoes
  • Feta
  • Basil 

I hate to admit I think this is my first "strata" ever.  I've seen tons of recipes for them and I guess I thought of them as just like a quiche.  This was NOT like a quiche.  In fact had I not known that there are six eggs in there I don't think I would have believed it.  

I will admit I added way more Feta than the recipe called for but it was so tempting and it did end up GOOD!

I admit I did NOT do what the recipe told me in terms of letting everything sit in the fridge for 4 hours.  Screw that!  I made this last night for dinner and started at 5PM ... I wanted my damn dinner.  I assumed it was about the bread soaking up the eggs so I let it sit for about 10 minutes and then in the oven it went.

I don't know what it would have ended up like had I let it sit but the result was damn good.  I assume the bread is why it didn't end up tasting like quiche - it expanded and the result was almost like a weird veggie sandwich.  Hubby liked it too!  

(Yes he's feeling great now and no longer a whiny pissy sick boy ... I didn't have a CHANCE at "hubby approved" while he was sick!) 

Recipe Test: Lighter Sesame Chicken


Click here for original recipe


  • Brown rice
  • Honey
  • Sesame seeds
  • Soy sauce
  • Garlic
  • Egg
  • Cornstarch
  • Chicken breasts
  • Oil
  • Green onions
  • Broccoli

This was the first meal I made after being sick for several days and honestly I barely had the energy to cook so I totally forgot to take pictures.   Those below are from iowagirleats.  I'll definitely make this again so will add my own pics when I do! 

Photo Credit:

Photo Credit:
 Great pics huh?  I swear some of these bloggers are professional photographers as well as cooks.  And this girl even has CUTE chopsticks!  Way to show me up Iowa Girl ... I love you anyway.  I have to being from Iowa and oh - because so far those recipes I've tried of yours ROCK! 

This one was easy - even for my sick grumbly exhausted self it was worth the effort.   And the sauce tasted EXACTLY like what you think of in terms of sesame chicken at a restaurant.  Sooooo good!  The meal honestly made me dream of having my own wife to cook for me when I'm too tired to cook for myself ... just eating a real meal instead of leftovers made me feel better.  I gobbled it up - had some nice hot tea with honey and was in bed by 8PM to the fumes of vics vapor rub & my humidifier.  

Recipe Test: Zucchini Lasagna


Click here for original recipe


  • Ground beef
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper
  • Crushed tomatoes (I accidentally bought diced and it still worked)
  • Basil
  • Zucchini
  • Ricotta
  • Mozzarella
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Egg

Hubby & I both love pasta - especially baked pasta with LOTS of cheese ... so this recipe at least let me rationalize that I was getting my veggies and still get that pasta feel.   

The cheese ..... ooooooh cheese!   Just LOOK at it! 

Yes .. I do make Homer Simpson noises about cheese.   I may be willing to become a vegetarian eventually but vegan?   Even the thought makes me burst into hysterical laughter!  Try to take away my cheese and I WILL get violent!

It ended up yummy but a little soupy.  It is so hard to get enough liquid out of the zucchini to stop this effect.  As it is I went through a TON of paper towels trying to dry it out before baking.   But in terms of taste it was quite good.   I actually may do without the meat next time and add mushrooms or other veggies.  

Recipe Test: Stuffed Peppers


Click here for original recipe


  • Ground beef or turkey
  • Brown rice
  • Bell peppers 
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Basil
  • Parlsey
  • Salt

I used to hate peppers.   I'd avoid any pepper - even sweet peppers like bells.  I knew they weren't hot (I've always had an issue with hot / spicy) but I just didn't like them.  In my adventures in cooking & eating more veggies this year I've learned I actually not only like them but truly LOVE them.  Red are my favorite, then yellow and orange. Green are good but I personally like the sweet flavor of the others.  I was telling Hubby how surprising to me how much I like them after so many years of avoiding them and he said "you should totally make stuffed peppers!"  ... I found a few recipes on Pinterest and put them in my 'Recipe Box - haven't made yet" board for later.   This is the first one I've tried.

The recipe called for the ground turkey (I chose to use beef) to be cooked fully and the rice to be cooked fully before stuffing the peppers and then cooking it all together for quite a while.   I found that the meat - especially that at the very top - ended up dry.  I wonder if maybe I left the rice a little soggy or the meat a little under-done and then let it finish cooking in the oven with the peppers if it would get rid of this?  Otherwise pretty good.  I'm also becoming quite the 'seasoner' of foods.  Salt & pepper are my fastest go-to's right now because they are easy ... but I'm getting braver in adding other things as I go.   I found this recipe needed quite a bit more seasoning than the recipe called for so I'd say if you try it and are brave - HAVE AT IT and have some fun!

Another thing that struck me was just how FILLING one was ... it looks like a small portion IN the pepper ...but when you cut it all up one pepper is a HUGE serving!  

Recipe Test: Hoppin' John


Click here for full recipe


  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Green Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Black-eyed peas
  • Broth (ham or chicken)
  • Ham hock or cubed ham
  • Bay leaf
  • Thyme
  • Cayenne
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Green onions

This was one of the first meals I made after getting back from my business trip.  Hubby was sick as a dog so I tried to load up on what I thought would be some 'comfort food' but also lots of good nutrition.  This seemed to fit the bill in my book and looked yummy!

During preparation ... I'm still in love with my huge cast iron skillet by the way.  

Collard Greens to mix in later for extra veggie goodness!

The final product!  YUM! 

Now I love my Hubby but when he is sick he is THE BIGGEST WHINY BABY EVER!  Case in point? He loves ham.  He has loved ham since I met him.  I remember the early years of living together ... this self-proclaimed "recovering Catholic" who could care less about any religious holiday would go NUTS at Easter ... not for the holiday ... for the HAM!  He had to have his honey baked spiral ham.  One big ham for two people?  Too much food.   Now add that I'm not a huge fan - it's so salty to me and though I'm a born & bred Iowa girl (yes we love our pork in Iowa) I'm 1/2 Jewish and the whole 'pork is bad' thing did seep into my consciousness to a point.  Okay not enough that I don't LOVE bacon... oh and fried pork tenderloin sandwiches ... okay fine and breakfast sausage ... but otherwise pork chops, ham and pretty much every other type of pork product - no thankee!  So anyway point being I KNOW he likes ham.  This is a FACT in my world.

So ... as I'm cooking and he comes to see what's for dinner.  Complaining that he is hungry he goes to the cabinets and finds a can of pureed butternut squash.  He proceeds to ask me to make him soup from it.  I sweetly say "honey ... that's not soup, that's just pureed squash.  Dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes."

.. then he says "I know it isn't soup - but look there is a recipe on it and we have everything you'd need to make it ..." showing me the can.   I look at the recipe ... one that would take about 1/2 hour to prepare!  The self talk begins ... and in my head I say "stay calm he's sick..."  to him I say in my fake sweet voice.  "oh but this will take longer to make than dinner - dinner is almost done."

So then he looks at what is for dinner ... and he sees ham and starts to protest.  By this time the fake sweet voice & patience is not holding steady ...  Get this ... he actually said he wouldn't eat it because he "DOESN'T EAT HAM" ... since f*@%ing when?!   Yes I started to argue but he was sick so I caved and said - I have bacon ... what if I use bacon in yours instead?

Hubby's response ... BIG sigh ... "okay" ... shuffle back downstairs to lay on couch as he coughs.

So I made a special one where I picked out every piece of ham and substituted nice crispy yummy bacon.   Here is his special version that I took down to him and presented ...

... to which he said "I don't want anything."   

I'M SORRY ... WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!  (forget fake sweet voice ... now about to kill my beloved hubby)

"I don't want anything ... I'm not hungry.  I told you I didn't want anything."

Yes ... at this point dear reader I did lose my shit!   YOU NEVER SAID THAT!  YOU WERE BITCHING ABOUT BEING HUNGRY AND WANTING SOUP!  .... and at that I will refrain from letting you know just the extent of my freak out but you can imagine.  

Did he ever eat it?  Nope!  He refused to touch it and didn't touch ANY of the leftovers!  So part of the reason I haven't been blogging lately is indeed that I've been sick ... but also b/c I haven't been cooking because I had to eat HOPPIN F*ing JOHN ALL WEEK LONG so it wouldn't go bad.  

The FINAL bowl after many many meals of Hoppin' John.   Still yummy but I wont' be making again because I'M SICK OF IT!!  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dreaming of Cough Syrup with Codeine in it!

And the verdict is in ... despite coming straight home and loading up on healthy food by Wednesday I was stuffy and my throat was starting to hurt.  I ran to the grocery after work to load up on more juice & tea makings to fight it but by Friday I was down for the count.

The new look of being sick in our house?  Tah dah!

If you look closely I do still have apples under there but the main juice this week was 1 grapefruit, 3 oranges & a lime.  Yummy but done on purpose to try to zap me with Vitamin C.  I've been making homemade tea but also bought two new kinds for when I didn't feel like making any.  I'm glad I did because by Friday I didn't even have the energy to make juice.

Here's the homemade tea I found.  There were two versions both very similar.  Slice up some fresh ginger, squeeze a lemon (or an orange & a lemon) in the water, add fresh sage and steep.  Add honey to taste ... 

Sadly if it helped I can't tell.  I had to take off work on Friday and have been down for the count all weekend.  I've basically slept & drank tea & watched the first two seasons of Nurse Jackie.  Thank God for leftovers or I wouldn't be eating because I have no energy to cook.  I dread trying to work tomorrow but I know I have to.  After my lovely days off for my reaction to the beets not too long ago I don't need to be taking any more time off sick.

One good thing is that because I've felt lousy I definitely have met my 'balance' goal for reasonable work hours and rest!  Though I'm not sure it really counts since I'd have done it anyway.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Business Travel = Yikes!

This past week I had to travel to St. Louis for a team meeting for work.  I left home very early morning on Tuesday and didn't get home until late Thursday.  I thought it would be simple to eat relatively healthy while I was away.  I didn't have any ideals of following 'the rules' 100% but I thought at least I could get close.  I bought a Britta water bottle so that I could easily fill it wherever and have fresh water to drink.  I also packed two basic trail mixes with nuts and berries.  Otherwise I thought I'd be good.

Tuesday morning I had a green smoothie while I got ready.  At the airport I had an iced latte with whole milk and no flavoring or sweetener - yuck but I needed that jolt of caffeine!  Lunch was at First Watch - which I knew from when we lived in the area.  I ordered a salad called "the Poacher" that was described as:

"Baby spinach, bacon, avocado tomato and housemade ciabatta croutons tossed in our balsamic vinaigrette.  Topped with a poached egg."

Perfect right?  I just said 'no croutons' and thought I'd be set.  When it arrived it came with this tomato & bacon mixture that was pretty sweet in almost like a type of bbq mixture.  No huge deal but I wish I'd have known.

Dinner was rough.  We had a team event so our boss had figured out a limited menu.  She had a bunch of appetizers that came out first - all fried or bread based so I avoided them.  I figured I'd just get whatever vegetarian option there was or a salad for dinner.   When I looked at the menu there were several options - my eyes zeroed in immediately on one that highlighted "portabello".  I was trying to be social so I didn't look long - just decided that is what I'd order and went from there.  Sadly I should have looked closer.  It was a cream based pasta dish where you could barely tell there were vegetables in it.  I had the side salad and then ate about 1/4 of it because I knew that was it for dinner.  No restaurant at the hotel and I didn't have a rental car.  Despite my boss (and others) giving me a hard time about not eating all the shared desserts I didn't touch them.  Good lord I wanted to!  Two types of creme brule, cheesecake, chocolate cake ... oh my GOD it looked good!  But no!  I was already expecting a food hangover - no need to make it worse.  I figured if I was going to feel like crap in the morning it should be from alcohol so ordered one dirty martini.

Wednesday morning I was PUFFY!  My face and hands - oh my God!  Salt SUCKS!  I was thrilled to find a fresh fruit mix at the breakfast bar. I had about 1/2 cup of scrambled eggs and then loaded the rest of my plate with the fruit.  Hot tea on the side and I was a happy girl.   Lunch went well too - we went to a really cute place in downtown St. Charles, MO where I had a really great spinach salad with mango & strawberries.  Hot tea again & still smiling!    Then dinner ... another team dinner.   It was a great little Irish pub but the healthiest thing on the entire menu was a vegetable burger.  So that's what I had.  No idea what was in it as all I could taste was the spices.  Came on a white bun with coleslaw on the side.  The coleslaw was sweet so I avoided it.  I did give in after a LONG day in heels (how the hell do women wear them every day without being just plain mean?!) and had 2 glasses of Guinness.  I'll also admit I had an onion ring and a stuffed mushroom - fried loveliness but I stopped there.

Thursday morning I was thinking I'd do the same thing for breakfast ... only the scrambled eggs were almost as hard as plastic and there was no fruit.  Sadly the only option was a baking powder biscuit and an apple.  Couldn't help but think of that "dirty dozen" list of foods to only eat organic & apples on there as I ate it.  The biscuit was yummy but of course holy white flour batman!  I also had a glass of orange juice - not great but I figured hey - at least it was juice even though highly processed.  It got me through the morning.  For lunch we went to a restaurant called the Shaved Duck that was featured on Diners Drive-ins and Dives.  It was a great little restaurant - clearly known for bbq.  Oh did I get laughed at when I ordered a salad.  So much for staying under the radar with how I eat.  I wasn't looking to draw attention to myself but I'd already had several comments.  "Oh - what diet are you doing?"  "Are you a vegetarian?"  Crap.   2 of my closest coworkers know what I'm doing but that's it and that's how I wanted it to stay ... well, such is life.  At the airport on the way home I had another spinach salad.  I knew I wouldn't be home until late and Hubby had already let me know he was sick ... so I was pretty sure there was nothing in the house.  

It doesn't sound bad right?  I mean most of what I had was salads.  Here's the kicker though - it's all the stuff you DON'T see ... the salt & sugar in the salad dressing ... the who knows what in that veggie burger.  The white flour in the pasta, hamburger bun & biscuit.  Just that and a dirty martini here and a Guinness there.  In no way did I go crazy or even get drunk ... but I felt awful every day.  It's Sunday night as I write this and I still feel like I'm shaking off the effects.

Stress of course comes into it too ... the stress of being "on" from 7AM to 10PM every day.  The stress of not sleeping in my own bed.  Those evil damn heels.  Yes ... I do believe that the devil himself created high heels!  And of course I have a sick hubby so the stress didn't end when I got home.  Oy what a big moody baby!   I've been nuking him (and me!) with juice and homemade tea and healthy food all weekend.  I also steam cleaned the crap out of the basement family room and sprayed Lysol pretty much eveywhere. I am praying I don't get sick too!  I'm sure my immune system is weak b/c of travel.   We'll see soon enough!