Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Already!

Summer may be ending but there is still some time to appreciate it.  My garden continues to grow.  I think my cucumbers are about puttered out.  My tomatoes and peppers are just getting going.  I think my favorite is the sunflowers.  They have such a simple beauty to them.

The tomatoes are huge!  They are all small varieties.  Seems none of the larger ones made it.  Some are about the size of a small plum, others are more oblong and cherry or grape size.  

My peppers are just starting & still tiny.  

The sunflowers are tall enough you can barely see the alley.  They are very wild looking - pretty but scruffy at the same time.  

Up close they are gorgeous.  I love the colors. 

The bees like them too!

There is one that just keeps growing and growing ... it is at least 3 feet taller than the others.  I don't know why but it is giving the ancient lilac bushes a run for their money!

The melons are finally getting bigger.  The label at the store had said that they were cantaloupe but they don't look like that.  I think they are a small version of a watermelon. 

My herbs are doing great though I'll admit I haven't used much of them since I haven't been cooking formal meals as much.   I'll have to figure out how to dry and save them for the winter. 

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