Sunday, August 4, 2013

Muffins & More Growth in the Garden

Recipe Test:  Whole Wheat Muffins

Click here for full recipe


  • Whole wheat flour
  • Salt
  • Baking powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Eggs
  • Honey
  • Vanilla
  • Coconut oil
  • Orange juice
  • Filling (berries, nuts, jam - whatever you want!)

I tried making two different kinds.  One was just fresh blueberries.  The other I just put a dollop of black raspberry jam (all fruit!) inside.  

They turned out pretty good.  I used whole wheat pastry flour so they are light and fluffy.  My only complaint would be they could be sweeter.  But then if you go too far that way I suppose they stop being good for you.  They were as quick to make as a batch of pancakes so worth it even if you have very little time.  I made enough to last me all week for breakfast.  With a few extra for Hubby even though I know he'll claim "I never touched them!"  ... yep and that's why my granola went so fast last week too!  

The garden is doing well.  My melon vine is finally stretching over the edge of the planter.  

More sunflowers popping up!  Lots of yellow ones.  

And this really beautiful maroon / orange!  I absolutely LOVE these!

You can see the cucumbers are growing up them just as planned. 

And not so planned ... reaching for the lilac bushes!

I have little cucumbers now!  Teeny tiny ... I wonder how long until they are ready to eat.

My two original tomatoes are still doing well.  You can tell that the one is starting to get a hint of red. 

And several more are now on the same plant!

Can't see the garbage cans at all now!  I also painted the cinder blocks of the raised beds ... I don't like it.  I'm wondering if I put a rim of bricks around the top if it will dress it up a little.

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.