Saturday, July 13, 2013

Week 1 Done!

Week one with limited TV done!  I splurged this morning on Oz (I know ... I'm behind the times but never watched it when it was on) so came in right at 7 hours for the week.  I've spent a lot of time outside and just getting thing little things done.  I found that in keeping busy like that I didn't even really think about food until around 8PM so by the time I made dinner and finished it wasn't long before I was headed up to bed to read.  I read a good hour every night so generally head up between 9 and 9:30PM.  The dogs have not been happy because no TV means no cuddle time on the couch and since they aren't allowed in the main back yard yet (new sod) they are feeling a bit neglected.   As I write this sitting on the couch in our family room all three are stuck to me like glue & have been all morning.

I jumped on the scale just for curiosity's sake and since the last time I checked (about 2 weeks ago) I'm down 4 pounds!  I'm not surprised that weight would come off - but I thought I'd have to start full on "working out" to make it happen versus just doing yard work and odds / ends around the house.  Nice to have an early reward out of this goal of mine.  One not so rewarding part is the bugs!  I am getting eaten alive outside.  I've got to find a good natural bug spray.  With everything I've learned the last six months about food I've also ended up learning more than I'd ever wanted about pesticides.  What's the point of organic food / gardening if you end up spraying the poison directly on yourself?  No thankee!  Did some looking on-line and there are quite a few essential oils and recipes to make your own but those oils cost a pretty penny and Hubby will lose it if I spend right now ... backyard payments all due plus his class.

Oh!  I forgot to write in here ... mystery of the "don't cook for me anymore" is solved!  He signed up for a 10 week program - exercise & diet.  Our neighbors started this thing at Christmas time and though neither of them were remotely heavy they have dropped serious weight.   There is an hour class every day except Sunday and you are on a super strict diet except for one 'free day' a week.  Why he didn't tell me he was doing this I have no idea.  I suppose because he was bitching at me about the back yard costs and since we already have a gym membership and the program costs a pretty penny?   I actually found out through the neighbor!  He still avoids the topic every time it comes up or I ask a question.  He's never liked to talk about his diet or exercise though.  He's struggled with weight since childhood so it is a touchy subject for him.  I was thin until after college but I get why it would be a touchy subject!   Even though I was thin I had a mom that focused on weight religiously - hers and mine.  I remember being put on a diet when I went from a size 4 to size 6 and thinking I must be fat.  

Anyway I'm glad he's doing it.  Specifically the exercise.  The happiest and healthiest I've ever seen him was when he worked out with a personal trainer a few years back.  He was eating healthy at the time too but struggled to drop weight because he still ate huge portions.  Eating out and drinking of course contributed too.  I hope he sticks with it.  I want him healthy because I love the big lug.  But I've no right to lecture him or mother him.  Shit I'm out of shape and still clinically obese!  6 months of real food is great but it is just a step in the right direction.  This journey of mine is in no way over.  In fact if I do what's right ... the true long term lifestyle change that I've set out to do ... then it's just beginning.

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.