Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Growing Fast!

Considering just a couple of weeks ago my sunflowers and cucumbers looked like this:

I am blown away that they now look like this: 

I even have my very first actual flower!  And you can see the cucumbers are doing what I'd hoped & growing up the sunflowers like a trellis ... in fact they may be growing faster than the sunflowers themselves. 

The smaller cucumbers on the other side are creeping up fast too but haven't quite started to climb yet. 

When you peek in between you can see the little flowers that will soon become cucumbers!

Almost all of the sunflowers have buds waiting to open. I'm so curious what the ones that have more purple stems will look like.  The seed mixture I started with had yellow, red & white varieties.  I think the majority that survived are just standard yellow but a few of them have these purple tinted stems & veins. 

My first little yellow one.  I wonder how big it will get.  I guess I thought the bud itself would start out bigger before it opened up but it looks like they start small and grow from there.  

The cucumber leaves are about the same size as the sunflower leaves but a different shape if you look closely. 

My melon plant is starting to grow and spread out looking to climb as well.  I hope my plan to have it trail down the sides of the planter works!

The tomato that was larger than the rest remains the head of the pack, finally reaching the top of the cage. 

The two little tomatoes are still brewing and more flowers on it tell me more will be coming!

My biggest pepper plant still is tiny compared to that tomato plant, coming in just above the lowest ring on the cage but growing fast.  

My bean bushes are smaller but also seem happy and continue to grow. 

Funny how when I started seeds the cilantro is what went best first and now are the slowest.  They are finally starting to peek up sporadically in the area I used to sow more seeds.  

My basil is slowly coming along but all still small.  

Of course those that I bought as plants versus starting from seeds look much better.

The tomato, pepper & bean bed still looks sparse when viewed from a distance.

The sunflower & cucumber bed on the other hand is starting to give some privacy for us from the alley and you can barely see the ugly garbage cans!  

Of course my neighbors are already able to harvest from their plants since they got started right away but if things keep going this way I think I'll have some success!  And then as fall approaches I can do some lettuce and kale as well.   Sounds weird to be thinking that way but summer is more than 1/2 over already! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Recipe Test: Blueberry Corn Salad

Credit: Twopeasandtheirpod.com

Click here for recipe


  • Sweet corn (on the cob)
  • Blueberries
  • Cucumber
  • Red onion
  • Cilantro
  • Jalapeno pepper
  • Lime juice
  • Olive oil
  • Honey
  • Cumin
  • Salt & Pepper
It's getting to be sweet corn season and in true Iowa girl fashion I LOVE me some sweet corn!  I was a little scared of the jalapeno after my recent veggie burger hot pepper fiasco but I followed the recipe and it was perfect. 

Yummmmmmmmmmmmm!  Perfect perfect PERFECT corn - super sweet!  Iowa girl heaven!

As I was chopping the cucumber up I was dreaming of later this summer when I have my own (hopefully!) from the back yard!

Fresh blueberries from Whole Foods.  I may try my hand at blueberry bushes next year ... we'll see.

The pictures on the recipe site are much prettier but OH MY GOD IS THIS GOOD!  I made a full batch and will happily eat it all week long!  Easy to make and would be perfect to bring to a barbeque.  The pepper is just barely there - the sweet of the blueberries and corn counteracts it so it doesn't have the 'mexican' flare I was thinking it would.  Yum yum YUM! 

Recipe Test: Crispy Kale and Mushroom Fried Rice

Credit:  appetiteforchina.com

Click here for recipe


  • Rice (I used brown)
  • Peanut oil
  • Scallions
  • Ginger (fresh)
  • Shiitake mushrooms
  • Kale
  • Hoisin sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Salt & Pepper

One of the first meals I made after Hubby boycotted my cooking.  I figured I could make the full recipe and it would be easy lunches / leftovers for the week.  

I love mushrooms of any kind and shiitake especially.  The results were pretty good.  The Hoison sauce has some ingredients that aren't exactly "real" food but it calls for a very small amount & I had no idea what to substitute so bought some.   Was just as good as leftovers but I'll admit it made a lot and by the end of the week I was sick of it!  Gotta figure out a better way of this cooking for one stuff!

Recipe Test: Creamy Dreamy Zucchini Pasta

Credit: Katyskitchen.ca

Click here for recipe


  • Zucchini
  • Roma tomato
  • Avocado
  • Parsley (fresh)
  • Garlic
  • Lime juice
  • Olive oil
  • Basil (dried)
  • Walnuts
  • Water
So I keep seeing zucchini pasta everywhere and after a previous failure at making it by just slicing zucchini very thinly I decided to get the special slicer. 

The one I found is pretty easy to use.  Gotta be damn careful with the blades though because it comes with different types that slide in and out and they are just strips of metal with no real guard on them, similar to these: 

Photo Credit: www.popularmechanics.com 

Clearly not made in the US but then this kind of noodle is common in Asian cooking and since it did have English instructions I figured why the hell not? 

It worked really well as you can see from the picture above ...

The recipe itself?

Not ... so ... much.  I hadn't had much protein that day so I added some of the buffalo mozzarella I had leftover (that's the white chunks you see in the green slime above).   Even so it was DISGUSTING!  Maybe I got the 'noodles' too soft in boiling them or made too much sauce vs. noodles but it was one big bowl of slimy nastiness.   I hate wasting food but I'll admit this was bad enough it went in the trash can after 2 bites!

I re-dub thee creamy bad dreamy zucchini pasta!

Recipe Test: Chocolate Peanut Butter Granola Bites

Credit: joelens.blogspot.com

Click here for original recipe: http://joelens.blogspot.com/2011/05/chocolate-peanut-butter-granola-bites.html?m=1


  • Rolled oats
  • Salt
  • Walnuts
  • Peanuts
  • Cocoa powder
  • Bittersweet or semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used cacao nibs)
  • Creamy peanut butter
  • Honey
  • Brown sugar (I left out) 
I was looking for a variation on my regular granola and so decided to play with this recipe a bit.  I didn't grind the oats or nuts so it didn't end up in balls but more actual granola.  I also used real cacao nibs, not chocolate chips, ditched the brown sugar and added dried cranberries.  

It wasn't half bad.  A little bitter from the cacao nibs but the cranberries were a good match.  Made a HUGE batch that lasted all week even with Hubby picking at it.  Oh he claimed he didn't touch it ... as if I didn't know how much I'd eaten.  Musta been the dogs or the granola fairies!

Chocolate for breakfast isn't quite my thing so probably won't do it again but if you are trying for a healthy replacement for sweet cereals go for it.  In fact if you use real chocolate chips I'm sure even kids would love it. 

Recipe Test: Black Bean- Corn Burger

Credit: epicurious.com

Click here for full recipe


  • Black beans
  • Corn
  • Red bell pepper
  • Whole wheat breadcrumbs
  • Cilantro (fresh)
  • Eggs
  • Chipotle chile in adobo
  • Oregano
  • Cumin
  • Olive oil
  • Baby spinach
  • Nutmeg
  • Avocado
  • Sour cream
  • Lime juice
  • Whole wheat hamburger buns

I'm a little behind on putting my recent recipes in.  This one was one I tried before Hubby announced 'no more cooking' for him.   

Obviously I'm still looking for a veggie burger recipe that I like.  I really thought this one would be it based on the recipe.  The last one was bland so I made sure that I put the full amount of chipotle in adobo sauce. 

They refused to stick together so came out crumbly - not quite 'patties'.  I decided to forego the buns and found out too late that Hubby had helped himself to the last avocado in the house so I threw a tomato slice on top and the sour cream sauce was just lime & sour cream - no avocado.  Hubby was done with his by the time I started mine and as I picked up my fork I noticed he was just staring at me!


"Oh you'll see ... " he said

?! WTF does that mean ?!  Then I take a bite and ... 

Photo credit: http://vineyardlifejournal.wordpress.com/2012/05/

Holy sh*t this one was NOT bland!  I literally couldn't eat anymore it was just way too hot.  Hubby scarfed mine down with a chuckle.  Of course this is the same man that when he took his baby brother out for sushi the first time told him that you spread the wasabi on top of the piece of sushi like you do butter on a roll - meany! 

I'm not sure I'll try this one again but if hot is your thing go for it!

Week 1 Done!

Week one with limited TV done!  I splurged this morning on Oz (I know ... I'm behind the times but never watched it when it was on) so came in right at 7 hours for the week.  I've spent a lot of time outside and just getting thing little things done.  I found that in keeping busy like that I didn't even really think about food until around 8PM so by the time I made dinner and finished it wasn't long before I was headed up to bed to read.  I read a good hour every night so generally head up between 9 and 9:30PM.  The dogs have not been happy because no TV means no cuddle time on the couch and since they aren't allowed in the main back yard yet (new sod) they are feeling a bit neglected.   As I write this sitting on the couch in our family room all three are stuck to me like glue & have been all morning.

I jumped on the scale just for curiosity's sake and since the last time I checked (about 2 weeks ago) I'm down 4 pounds!  I'm not surprised that weight would come off - but I thought I'd have to start full on "working out" to make it happen versus just doing yard work and odds / ends around the house.  Nice to have an early reward out of this goal of mine.  One not so rewarding part is the bugs!  I am getting eaten alive outside.  I've got to find a good natural bug spray.  With everything I've learned the last six months about food I've also ended up learning more than I'd ever wanted about pesticides.  What's the point of organic food / gardening if you end up spraying the poison directly on yourself?  No thankee!  Did some looking on-line and there are quite a few essential oils and recipes to make your own but those oils cost a pretty penny and Hubby will lose it if I spend right now ... backyard payments all due plus his class.

Oh!  I forgot to write in here ... mystery of the "don't cook for me anymore" is solved!  He signed up for a 10 week program - exercise & diet.  Our neighbors started this thing at Christmas time and though neither of them were remotely heavy they have dropped serious weight.   There is an hour class every day except Sunday and you are on a super strict diet except for one 'free day' a week.  Why he didn't tell me he was doing this I have no idea.  I suppose because he was bitching at me about the back yard costs and since we already have a gym membership and the program costs a pretty penny?   I actually found out through the neighbor!  He still avoids the topic every time it comes up or I ask a question.  He's never liked to talk about his diet or exercise though.  He's struggled with weight since childhood so it is a touchy subject for him.  I was thin until after college but I get why it would be a touchy subject!   Even though I was thin I had a mom that focused on weight religiously - hers and mine.  I remember being put on a diet when I went from a size 4 to size 6 and thinking I must be fat.  

Anyway I'm glad he's doing it.  Specifically the exercise.  The happiest and healthiest I've ever seen him was when he worked out with a personal trainer a few years back.  He was eating healthy at the time too but struggled to drop weight because he still ate huge portions.  Eating out and drinking of course contributed too.  I hope he sticks with it.  I want him healthy because I love the big lug.  But I've no right to lecture him or mother him.  Shit I'm out of shape and still clinically obese!  6 months of real food is great but it is just a step in the right direction.  This journey of mine is in no way over.  In fact if I do what's right ... the true long term lifestyle change that I've set out to do ... then it's just beginning.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 3 No TV!

If you've checked out my pages you'll see I've got a new one - "Just an Hour July!".  My goal is to watch no more than an hour a day or a total of 7 hours of TV a week.  Today is day three and it is definitely an adjustment.  This is the first day that I'm not sure what I want to do with my time.  Sunday was super productive cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping and the like.  I had plenty to do.  Yesterday was the same.  After work I spent some time in the yard and then did some sanding on our front deck ... until Hubby came home and wasn't too pleased that I'd taken on 'his' project.   Um - you mean the one you started 3 weeks ago and then haven't gotten to since?  ... No I didn't actually say that to him but I sure thought it!  Eh - if he wants it all to himself more power to him so I went inside and ended up cooking the rest of the night.  (Recipes & pics to come shortly!)

Today I'm not quite sure how I'm going to spend my evening.  It is humid & HOT outside to the point where doing anything out there would be awful.  Plus I don't have much to do right now.  It is all weeded and planted and mulched.  I did try a gardening tip that I found on-line ... I took all the food scraps from cooking yesterday - the veggies & fruits, not meat! - and boiled them in a pot of water and then saved the water ... refilled and boiled / simmered / soaked & saved again.  After it cooled off I used it to water my veggies - the site said that helps give the plants nutrients ... like an organic form of fertilizer.  I also sprinkled coffee grounds - they are supposed to help too.  I'm watering the back yard with the sprinkler now so it will help it soak in and spread out.  But basically all I have to do now is move the sprinkler now and again ... so not much more to do.  Curling up in our ice cold basement and watching TV sounds damn good right now.  I only watched 1/2 hour yesterday so I can indulge a little tonight but on day 3 I'm not going to do the whole "I'll watch tonight and then not watch later in the week" - that's a slippery slope I've fallen down with other things ... I'll have the pizza tonight and then eat really well the rest of the week.   Can't bullshit yourself!

My plants are doing pretty well.  I swear I can see my sunflowers growing daily!  It's like they've figured out that they have all that room and are catching up for lost time.  They are all at least twice as tall as when I planted them.

The cucumbers are growing too but not enough yet to need to grow up anything - which is good because the sunflowers are definitely not that tall or sturdy yet!  Not only do the sunflowers provide support but planting together supposedly creates sweeter cucumbers.  You can see the coffee grounds I sprinkled since I haven't gotten this area yet with the sprinkler.  Doing this is supposed to 'slow release' nitrogen for the plants.  

The site said that you can do the vegetable scrap 'brew' with any plant based scraps that haven't been seasoned or salted and also with things like grass clippings, leaves, etc.  as long as they aren't treated with pesticides. 

I think that it will eventually provide a nice bit of privacy from the alley for when we are sitting under the gazebo.

I got a lavender plant the other day at Whole Foods and put it next to the sage.  Both smell SO good and I love the shades of green and purple.

Things are growing in the other garden too.  I pruned the tomatoes - another thing I found through research on-line.  You take the "suckers" off:

Photo Credit & Full Article: http://alternative-energy-gardning.blogspot.com/2013/03/how-to-prune-tomatoes.html

This is supposed to help the plant focus on producing the fruits, not on growing more leaves. That helps make the tomatoes more flavorful ... we'll see!  Honestly I'll just be happy that I keep them alive and they actually give me tomatoes!  (After my seedling fiasco I've been humbled & have set low expectations.)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happiness is dirt under your fingernails!

Forth of July this year has meant a 5 day weekend for me.  I've spent a great deal of that time in the backyard and I'm loving it.  

And it looks like I'm not the only one.  The birds are everywhere!  It's like they've now decided the yard is their new social club.  I have to water down the sod twice a day and they come splash in any puddle and then grab worms from the soft ground.  Cracks me up.   I'll have to get them some feed & bird baths ... eventually.  I think Hubby will kill me if I spend any more money on the backyard soon!  I've made sure to use every single dollar of the planned budget we'd saved.  I still have an arbor coming that I'll put in the corner near the garage - here below where the garage and wall meet.   Then I've got some plants coming to fill in a bit more.   Some kiwi to climb up the arbors plus add some fruit!  I had no idea you could grow a type of kiwi here but you can!  I got mostly male plants as they have gorgeous pink on their leaves but I did get one female so that in one area I'll get fruit from them.  If it goes well I may add more females for more fruit next year.   They aren't the kiwi you get in the grocery so I don't want to dive in full hog. 

I also ran to the nursery and got some more herbs.  

The basil I already had as I'd started it from seed.  I've got a lot here because I use it all the time.  Plus you can always make pesto and freeze it for later!

I also got chives & rosemary. 

Parsley and some GORGEOUS sage.  It has the prettiest leaves - I actually got one more and put it in a pot in the yard just because it is so pretty.   Not to mention I love how it smells!

The sunflowers are clearly happy in their new home. 

They are growing fast!  

The cucumbers seem happy too but no noticeable growth just yet.  That's okay with me though because I want them to grow up the sunflowers so the flowers need a head start to be able to support them. 

My tiny grape tomatoes look comical with the big huge cage around them but the research I've done online says to put the cage up right away so that you aren't disturbing the roots of the plant as it grows.  

The tomatoes I started from seed are happy.  One even has a little tomato starting on it!  

I moved all the cages over to one bed.  If the cucumbers don't grow up the sunflowers as planned I may need to go grab a trellis of some sort for them.  

For the other wooden planter I got a cantaloupe.  It will spread pretty rapidly so I left it in the center of it and then put some marigolds up near the front edge. 

Hubby hates the "stupid rainbow things" but personally I like throwing bright colors here and there in a garden.  I also got a bunch of marigolds since supposedly they help pretty much every plant they are around ... I need all the help I can get!