Sunday, February 10, 2013

Food Hangover?

Since I've been doing so well in shifting my lifestyle when Hubby said "Let's go out to eat!" Friday night I thought - why not?   Everything in moderation right?  We went to a great coal fire pizza place here in Omaha called Pitch.  It's been open a couple years now.  Owned by the entrepreneur who way back when started Godfather's pizza.  But don't get Godfather's in your mind here - it's totally different.  It's a casual but trendy / funky environment.  And simply damn good pizza.

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So I will say before I begin that this is NOT THE FAULT OF PITCH!  Their food is great!  This is 110% my fault in overindulging and not expecting my body to react the way it did after the changes I've made.   This is something Hubby and I have done a million times and honestly for 'the old me' I took it pretty easy.  I did get my favorite pizza there - called "Shrooms" ... it has thyme cream, roasted mushrooms, truffle cheese, oven dried tomatoes.  No 'light' or low cal there so I figured most of it is as 'real' as it gets for eating out.  I assume plain old white flour for the crust but otherwise I thought not too bad.

Hubby ordered me my favorite cocktail before I could protest so I just said again 'everything in moderation' and went with it.  It is a champagne, pomegranate concoction - yummy!  So yummy that yes I did order a second.  Two drinks for someone who is already a light weight means a lack of sound judgement and I ate WAY too much of that pizza!

I don't know if it was the alcohol, the food or both but when I woke up in the morning I knew I'd done a number on myself.   All day Saturday I was dragging and feeling lousy.  Not true hangover of nausea but definitely my body was telling me it was NOT happy with me.  I actually laid down in the afternoon to take a 'short nap' and woke up over four hours later!

Am I saying I'll never partake in my beloved Shrooms again?  No way!  But will I probably just have a piece or two of whatever hubby orders instead?  Yes-er-ee-bob!  And the cocktails ... PASS!

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I'd love to know you visited and what you think! I'm also thankful for any ideas, tips or suggestions as I'm still learning to cook and to live a real / whole foods lifestyle.